How to maintain?


New Member
So say a person just wanted to maintain what they have? No muscle loss but not really caring about gains either. What would be the best way to go about doing that?

I will have about 2-3 months where I will not be able to workout like I should or eat like I need to but I don't want to lose everything I have worked for.

Any suggestions?

If to grow one must eat more and to cut one must eat less, then I think that to maintain one must eat just about right. Training should remain the same. There's no reason to change anything but reducing frequency to something reasonable should be ok.
Try to do at least a fullbody workout a week, staying in the 5 rep range, maybe do some 3x3 on the big stuff like deadlifts in order to maintain your strength. Try to eat around maintenance, but don't sweat it too much if your weight goes up or down by a few pounds. If you can workout twice a week some weeks, then do so.
(Totentanz @ Sep. 27 2007,08:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Try to do at least a fullbody workout a week, staying in the 5 rep range, maybe do some 3x3 on the big stuff like deadlifts in order to maintain your strength.  Try to eat around maintenance, but don't sweat it too much if your weight goes up or down by a few pounds.  If you can workout twice a week some weeks, then do so.</div>
What weight range should I use? My beginning weight, middle weight, or max/failure weight?
Roughly your 5 rep max. But I still wouldn't recommend going to failure. If you do 3x3, use closer to your 3 rep max. You could even pyramid up until you find your max, or something like that. When I was unable to workout but maybe once a week, I'd often do singles with deadlifts, building up to a max single once every couple of weeks. It worked well for increasing my 1 RM for deads.
Cool, thanks for the help.