How's this??


New Member

Bench(alt. with incline)
Pec Dec
T Bar
Pull Downs
Over head Press
Laterial Raise
Bi Curls
Push Downs


Leg Curl
Welcome BYRK!

Some good exercises there. Upper/lower body split should work well but I would change it up a bit. I like to get leg work in at least 3 x weekly. If you watch the volume this will give you really good results. Also, It's probably best to alternate squats and deads to save your lower back unless you are used to this. How about this?:


Bent Over BB Rows
Bench(alt. with incline)
Over head Press
Bi Curls
Tri pushdowns/Skull crushers


Pull Downs
Laterial Raise/ or Bent-over Laterial Raise
Seated incline DB Curls
Tri Extensions/ or Skull crushers

You might want to throw in some ab work and calves everday would be ok too.

Pretty different as it's a full body w/o each day rather than the upper/lower split. You just need to watch your volume and make sure you eat enough to give yourself the surplus calories required to grow.

Anyway, just my 2 cents! Whatever you decide upon, stick to HST principles and you will grow! Be sure to read the FAQs before setting up your first cycle.
I'd drop the Wed. squat and deadlift instead. Unless you're lifting fairly light weights (-200 pounds) squats 3x and deadlifts 2x a week would be a killer.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Unless you're lifting fairly light weights (-200 pounds) squats 3x and deadlifts 2x a week would be a killer.</div>

Well, that's why I reckon the volume has to be watched. I do deads and squats three times a week each up to 5s and only alternate once I'm in the 5s. I don't want to do this but once I'm over 280lbs in deads and 250lbs in squats my poor little spinal erectors need less volume so I alternate. It's been working well so far.

Now I've had another think, up until 5s you could do SLDLs rather than deads on Tues &amp; Thurs and leave out SLDLs on M/W/F. Then during 5s do deads instead of SLDLs. Doing squats &amp; SLDLs 3 x weekly and deads 2 x weekly would be too much (except perhaps during 15s if you only did single sets). See what works for you.