hsit training


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just spotted this on ironage.com

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Posts: 34

Natural Born Ironager

HSIT Training
« on: Today at 03:43:45 AM »

The best pure hypertrophy routine is a hybrid HST that works much better for a longer cycle higher volume that turns into a low volume HIT Hybrid.

Sample Routine

SL Deads
Incline Bench
Bent Row
Overhead Press
Curl Lying Tricep Ext
C Raises

Start with 3 sets of 10 using a weight that allows you to get all 3 sets easily. Say 50 lbs below your 3 sets of 10 maximum for L bodyparts 25 for small. Then M-W-F you add 10 lbs each workout for L Bodypart 5 for small until you can not do 3 sets of 10 then go to 2 sets of 10 when you can not get the 10 on the second set go for one set of 10 then when you fail before 10 go to 3 sets of 5 using your one set of 10 max.
Follow the same formula. Once you fail to get one set of 5 then you start all over again but add 10 lbs to your starting weight to L Bodyparts and 5 to small and let it begin again.
Take 90-120 sec between sets.
You can take a week off after each cycle but its not necessary.

Give it one cycle and you will be a beliver.

The HSIT method is showing to produce hypertrophy at greater rates but its the methods not the routine.

Train a muscle more frequently 2-3x a week
Use compound movements, 6-8 is best
Use the 3-5, 9-11 rep ranges
Use higher volume and higher intensity training for short cycles
Use increment loading over several workouts
Train the body as a whole and Rest it as a whole

Very simple yet very effective.
Nothing fancy but if you incorporate the methods into a routine you will grow at any stage.

All i ask is people give it a try and see for themselves, no magic just hard work here.

Good catch FAZ

Funny how you always end up finding copy cats, wonder if it'll end up in a e-book somewhere for some serious $.

Guys, I think the chap misspelled it it should be S.H.I.T. for what it is worth.