HST 10's


New Member
Could someone please take a quick look at my routine for 10's and give some advice. Thanks.

Exercise-# of sets

Calf Raises-2
Incline BP-1
Decline BP-1
BB Rows-2
Arnold Press-1
Upright Rows-1
Lat Raises-1
EZ Bar Curls-2
Tri Dips-2
External Rotations-1 (Trying to strengthen ex. rotator cuff)
I tend to stick with the same exercises all the way through the cycle. That looks like a lot of exercises to me to be honest. If it were me I would alternate squats with deads, incline bench with dips, bb rows with chins and probs finish each workout off with some sort of shoulder press then the rotations. I would drop everything else really.
Just my thoughts though.

BTW that would be for a bulk. For a cut I would probs include more exercises.
Yeah, they really rock! Unfortunately, with my rotator problems, they started getting painful near the end of my strength cycle. I think part of it was getting the bar from the floor to the shoulders. Next time I'm trying them with my stands.