HST 2 times per week


New Member
I am curious to see if HST can be made 2 times per week instead of 3.Can someone here train like this?What is yours results?Is effective like 3 times per week?
I am asking this because I only have time to train 2 times in the week.
Thank you

I will take a shot, but I would be interested to see if the experts agree with me. I will say since you are only working out 2 days a week still make your 3rd workout progressive in weights.

So I would say twice a week I would incorporate mostly compound movements. ex. bench squat deads, military press...etc. very little isolation and go heavy and hard.

I am sure others will elaborate on this.

Joe :D
If I was going twice a week, I would use larger increments and slightly higher volume. Sure it isn't as good as 3 times a week... but if you eat like crazy, I think you should make some good gains still.

What kind of routine are you considering? Like Joe said, I would stick mostly to compounds. A good routine would be something like squats/deads, dips, chins, some kind of press and bentover rows. I would probably throw in a couple iso's like shrugs and some curls. That would be pretty solid.
Hey, Giovanni :)

Isn't "giovanni" the italian word for youth or "the young"?
Or does "giovani" mean the youth/young, and "Giovanni" (double n) means "John"?

(what the heck am I saying?)

Anyhoo... hmmm... twice a week...

Well, when you consider that even those who trained once a week (per bodypart I mean; they actually trained two or three times too, but hit only one bodypart each training, so effectively it's still a once a week training) still got some gains due to the sheer volume of what they do, I'd say yeah, sure, you'll still get good gains. Perhaps not as good, but I don't know that for a fact.

If you only train twice a week, then you have to increase the volume as well. Twice a week would mean you'd have more time to recover from each workout (3-4 days), so reducing the volume to manage fatigue for more frequent training isn't much of an issue, as long as you don't train to failure (since that induces a different kind of fatigue, CNS fatigue, which is a major workout killer).

I don't know exactly how much volume you can take, but I guess you know that yourself. Try adding a full extra set per exercise you do, and if you are still good to go the next workout and that is your consistent feeling, then no harm done. Don't overestimate the volume though. The moment you feel you are getting close to failure, stop and rest. You can then either continue using clustering method, or just stop and proceed to the next exercise.

Im sure you'll be able to take the extra volume though, especially since you have a lot more time to rest / recover in between workouts. Although the basic recommendation is train after no longer than 48 hours, if you can only manage two good workouts in a week, that is still far better than not training at all, wouldn't you agree?

I agree completely and just for fun and kicks here is a routine.

Bench press 10 degree incline 3 sets
Dips 2 sets
Lat pull down 2 sets
Rows 3 sets
shoulder press 3 sets
Squats 4 sets
bicep curls 1 set
triceps 1 set

If you did this twice a week you are looking at about 38 sets for the week so given spaced out days for recovery I think you would we ok...it still would be 1 hell of a workout when you did perform it!
Seems like it is too much of a blend of traditional lifting and HST, where there are 5 sets per muscle group..
Isn't anything after 3-4 sets useless extra work? Granted it is split among two days at least, so even the limited frequency should amount to hypertrophy.

Giovanni, is there any reason you can't train the standard protocol of 3x/week? If you have to do this, try some clustering to avoid CNS fatigue and to maintain that burn.

My current routine is a A and a B workout, training 2 times per week:
Reverse grip curls:1x7
Ab work

Leg press:2x10
Barbell curls:1x7
Ab Work

I train whit the maximum weigth I can lift,for example, when I say that is 5 reps,is that a 6 reps is impossible.
I have noticed that legs and back are the muscles growed better whit these routine, and I think this is because I train that's muscles groups direct 2 times in a week.
I am interessed in HST, since I dont had see someone that dont give results whit this aprouch, and training hard all the time put too much stress in outhers areas of my life(like be a zumbie the days after a heavy training).I train 2 times for a long time,and like this schedule,so why I questioned if is possible to do HST 2 times a week.
Thank you very much