hst 3rd cycle, any thoughts?

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A/B/A split only 10s n 5s finishing 5s at 105%. find new 5rm, sd, repeat.

A: squat,bench,bent row,sitting mp,shrug
B:dead,dip,chin, sitting mp, shrug

im pretty new still so figure ill keep it simple, 2sets 10, 3sets 5, i might have to save dips n chins to 5s being i gained a nice amount of weight. hey, not complaining though.

have a few questions, for example 5rm... if chins are bw+35lbs(190lbs) and rows are 110, when alternating between squats/deads or bent rows/chins the weights will be different, should i say on monday row 70% of 110, wed chin 75% of 190, fri row 80%of 110. would this be corretc? i assume after sd and sarting around 70% of rms would be sufficient to cause hypertrophy as the load is constantly increasing? or would it be wiser to start at say 65%? bigger increments in laods seems to be important.

also first n second hst cycles i left out chins, dips and deads, so another question is will this be more benificail to incorperate them for mass and strength? id really like my arms to grow but have read isolation are pointless this early in.

forgot to mention, im 21 nd 5ft11ish, this will be my 3rd month with hst and linear weight progression in general. went from 137 to 158 ,1st month 1" on arms, second lotsa stress n poor diet....1/2" on arms( also while sd was on crutches so arms grew a tad n *** n legs got HUGE. am i genetic freak lol? oh yeah, before this i used to do some boxing, lots a running/ some climbing, and too much bw exercises...just never grew over 142 but got some strength.

lots on interesting info on the forums, srry for the long post
Its been suggested to start at 70 OR 75%. 65% seems too little. Yeah, that progression looks ok. 5% increments are ideal, I believe. Smaller increments favour strength gains apparently. But I don't know what your goal is..

Deads are important, so are chins and dips. So incorporate them as in your oiginal plan. Best of luck.
my main goal at the moment is size although strength is important too. just finished my new maxes and have aprox 1rm via some online calc. sqaut 221, bench 160, bent row 135, dips 230, chins 215,mp 102,deadlift 265( could load alot more on but first time starting light), shrug 235. this is all at bw of 157. a problem i see is my 5rm for dips and chins will be to weak to progress by adding weight, should i consider rigging a ghetto pulley system and have weights hang? will deads, dips, and chins help load on mass upper body? think im gonna stick to chins and dips only in 5s. sound like a good idea? is there somthing i might be missing?
(jesuslikeskfc @ Jun. 11 2008,9:47)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">my main goal at the moment is size although strength is important too. just finished my new maxes and have aprox 1rm via some online calc. sqaut 221, bench 160, bent row 135, dips 230, chins 215,mp 102,deadlift 265( could load alot more on but first time starting light), shrug 235. this is all at bw of 157. a problem i see is my 5rm for dips and chins will be to weak to progress by adding weight, should i consider rigging a ghetto pulley system and have weights hang? will deads, dips, and chins help load on mass upper body? think im gonna stick to chins and dips only in 5s. sound like a good idea? is there somthing i might be missing?</div>
You might want to take a look at the Excel Template I posted earlier. Much of what you have lined out is already on the sheet. It is a simple compound HST routine with 5 primary execises and 3 secondary. Plus it takes all the guess work out, pick a starting weight and see how many reps you can knock out, enter it in the blanks and the sheet will figure you RMs for each of the 4 cycles. All you have to do after that is enter the % you want to use for the decrements. It can be anything from 1%-100%. It may be a lot of help setting up and logging your cycle.
Damn, man...whydya have to choose a name like that?

Chucks dude! Gotta think whether I'll get involved. My boss is a jewish carpenter His name is rather similar.

'sides there wasn't no KFC in His time anyways!
dawaro, template looks great. i really like the idea of using dips/ chins as secondary than rather than switching off, makes it much easier. im still a beginner so would doing squats AND deads be too much? lol the thought of both scare me a bit, basically ripped my gluteal a tad getting maxes....after warming up a ton, and studying form....ouch. SD time!

Fausto, didnt mean to offend anybody on the forum by any means with this user name...no ill will behind it whatsoever, its just one ive used for a while, didnt give it much thought because i was so eager to sign up for this site being theres an abundance of great information along with many bright individuals posting some really helpfull and friendly advice. on that note ive set up another account with another user name in hopes others will be less hesitant. im here to learn and teach when i can...just like many other users.
(jesuslikeskfc @ Jun. 13 2008,5:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">dawaro, template looks great. i really like the idea of using dips/ chins as secondary than rather than switching off, makes it much easier. im still a beginner so would doing squats AND deads be too much?</div>
Again the exercises that are in there are just my choices. Change the name in the yellow box to anything you want and it will change throughout the sheet.

I do both deads and squats in mine but I limit the deads, 1x15, 1x10, 2x5, 2x3. I am in the 1st week of the 5's and no issues so far. When I was doing the 5x5 I would alternate with rows but still limit the sets. You just have to find what works for you.
I also do a different rep scheme on the dip/chin/pull because chins &amp; pulls are by far my weakest lifts. For the time I am sticking with 10 reps at the progressing weight. If it takes 2-3 sets to get the reps that is fine but I am still getting my 10 reps.
alright, finely have a good idea how my 3rd cycle will be setup. decided to throw out shrugs this time while adding in deads chins n dips
. let me know what u guys think.

10s: 2x squat, 2x bench, 2x row, 2x mp, 1dead,1dip,1chin

5s:3xsqaut, 3x bench, 3x row, 3x mp,1dead,1dip,1chin

too much volume for my 3rd cycle? or perfect for those massive gunz
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">on that note ive set up another account with another user name in hopes others will be less hesitant. im here to learn and teach when i can...just like many other users. </div>

That is better and more respectful, man! Its just that even though you did not use it disrepectfully as such, it is transgressing the 3rd commandement and His name is Holy, so I really appreciate your approach!

By the way, what is this new name you registered under? You could have just asked JVroig to change it, but anyway.

Because you have respected mine and others views (I'm sure) and answered, I will now respect you in return and get involved!
Are you sure you want to do squats and deads in the same workout? Might be very fatiguing?
Yes, ask an administrator to change your username rather than just getting a new account. You, like me, probably had to wait ages for it to be registered.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">have a few questions, for example 5rm... if chins are bw+35lbs(190lbs) and rows are 110, when alternating between squats/deads or bent rows/chins the weights will be different, should i say on monday row 70% of 110, wed chin 75% of 190, fri row 80%of 110. would this be corretc? i assume after sd and sarting around 70% of rms would be sufficient to cause hypertrophy as the load is constantly increasing? or would it be wiser to start at say 65%? bigger increments in laods seems to be important.</div>

The way it works is like this: you work out your:

1RM then 15's would start at about 65% or so, and progress from there onwards, or

15 RM, 10 RM and 5 RM and then start off with 70 - 75% of each progressing to 100% within each mini progression, am I making sense? This will lead to some zigzagging which in fact is beneficial as long as it does not go beyond one or steps back.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">also first n second hst cycles i left out chins, dips and deads, so another question is will this be more benificail to incorperate them for mass and strength? id really like my arms to grow but have read isolation are pointless this early in.</div>

The benefits of doing these early is solely to get your joints and tendons strengthened for later much heavier weights, during the 10's the side effects may lead to some growth, but it is during the 5's and beyond that most of the growth should occur.

For the last comment I'll just say be aware of the fact that growth will reach a point whre it will slow down, at this stage various techniques may be introduced, which you could get from the Pimp my HST e-book.

Stuff like Loaded stretches, pulse stretching, etc, but for now use the simplified program you are on, it looks good and it contains all you need, the &quot;reaping&quot; may go on for quite a while still provided you keep eating well.

well new account name is Corey-.- . yeah, current one took a few months to go through. drove me nutz.

10s: 2x squat, 2x bench, 2x row, 2x mp, 1dead,1dip,1chin

5s:3xsqaut, 3x bench, 3x row, 3x mp,1dead,1dip,1chin.
i understand the progression from 70%-100% and hst principles along with seting it up, however im still curious as to weather the addition of 1 set of deadlift, dip, and chins ontop of the big 4 main lifts would be too much on top of squat,bench,row, mp. ive also read around how isos or extra exercises in general can be counter productive. would this be true for one extra set of compound per major group? im still new but wanna get the most outa my training set aside the massive feasting. so fausto, ur saying the setup i just stated should be fine for a beginner? or the dip,dead,chins a tad to much too soon and could posibly hinder growth with arms?
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">well new account name is Corey-.- . yeah, current one took a few months to go through. drove me nutz. </div>

Much appreciated mate! Yeah the time it takes, well we've had some nuts here before causing a whole lot of crap! That is why! So JVroig is extra carefull and I don't blame him he's doing a sterling job! I just simply call him batman!

No bro, your setup up is good, stick with it and really try to &quot;milk&quot; the 5's when you get there, as you say you can put more exercises in but to me that would actually spoil what i consider an excellent starter program, most newbies have a huge amount of unecessary exercises!

Cheers Corey