HST 3rd Cycle


Gym Plan

This will be my third HST cycle, but my first using home equipment.
I will buy a Bodycraft F430 powercage: http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws....&ih=005

With HST being only free weights and compound exercises this is all you need for a complete workout. I also own a dipbelt, for dip and chin progression.

Strategic Decondtioning:

I have had 3 months of strategic deconditioning and am expecting a huge shock to the system when I start to train again. I did not lose much muscle mass despite poor diet and no exercise.

HST program will be a 3 day full body on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Workout sets structure

• 2 x 15 Reps – 2 weeks

• 2 x 10 Reps – 2 weeks

• 2 x 5 Reps – 2 weeks

• 1 x 5 Reps – 2 weeks – this is the “overload” phase to set new PB lifts for 5RM, increase rep range and lower weight if no longer able to move more weight at proper form.

I cannot do negatives with current equipment and training partner.


Quads and Hamstrings (deads once a week on Wednesday’s instead of Squats that day)

Squats - too parallel or just above, wide stance
Deads – from a stopped weight on the floor every rep

Chest and Triceps

Flat Bench Barbell
• Dips or Dumbell Bench
(I get incredibly sore shoulder joints from dips)

Back and Biceps

Chin-ups, moving on to weighted
Bent Rows, back straight, knees slightly bent and back rotated forward on hips to just above 90 degrees

Shoulders and Triceps

• Standing Military Press

Lagging Parts

• Right side only hammer curls or concentration curls
• Right side only Lateral raise

It is harder to cycle the load on these isolation exercises as you can only do such a small maximum weight (5RM is 20kg on hammers and 17.5kg on lateral raises). So they will only have 3 progressions at most for the whole 8 week cycle.

Core work (one core exercise per workout) I need to decide what I am going to do here as I neglect this area normally. I do get a burn in the abs from all the compounds, so I figure they’re done as well.


I do a fair bit of daily cycling as it is my primary mode of transport. I do keep a good pace, but I am not balls to the wall triathlon training pace. So I think it is a happy medium of not too much cardio, but just the right amount of cardio for a bulking cycle.


hCG: 250IU 6 times per week for 3 weeks, Monday through Saturday. Morning shots on non-workout days and pre-workout shots on training days. These will be shot in the first 3 weeks of the program. The hCG is actually more for a recovering HPTA and my treatment happens to coincide with my new HST cycle.

Creatine: 5 grams BD

Protein Shakes: One Post workout and one before bed on workout days. Otherwise one in the morning or as a meal replacement on the go and then one at bedtime.

GHRP-2: Not sure on dosage regime yet or if I will definitely do it, but it seems like a happy medium with low sides.

GABA: 3 grams at night before bed every night after GHRP-2 cycle finished

Tong ka tali: after the hCG is finished

Note: I will be using Arimidex as an anti-estrogen on and after the hCG cycle and Nolvadex as a SERM after the hCG cycle to get test levels back up. I will also use saw palmetto for its DHT blocking properties whilst on hCG.

I tried to attach my cycle but it is 5kb over the attachment size limit.
Yeah my body really didn't like deca, I wish I'd never touched the stuff. Test was great. Then added deca and it shut me down really hard. If I'd found HST before I did gear I would have stayed clean I think.
(seemore @ Apr. 21 2008,4:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Yeah my body really didn't like deca, I wish I'd never touched the stuff. Test was great. Then added deca and it shut me down really hard. If I'd found HST before I did gear I would have stayed clean I think.</div>
well atleast you figured it out.deca is a very suppressive compound,takes far longer to recover.i had a dabble a few years ago but have decided to stay clear of aas.there are issues that can be resolved easily,but some of the long term effects cant be.

i spent literally years reading up, and although i have limited personal experience, all the reading and conversing with friends has given me extensive knowlege on the subject.

test is best but it makes most people bald and hairy lol.
yeah I became more hairy and I have a receding temporal hairline, despite no one on my mothers side losing thier hair and my father at 55 only has slight temporal recession. An endocrinologist has told me the shedding can take up to 18 months to stop or it may just continue (I will be getting hair transplants if this is the case).
I only did the deca for 4 weeks (cut the course early) because I could tell that it was no good, my balls basically disappeared (unlike a test only cycle) and it took a good 8-10 weeks after the course to bounce back in size. I've had low test levels since. An endocrinologist has assured me that for someone my age it will all come good with time, however I've read up on the issue and this is why I am using the ancillaries to speed up the recovery. The amazing thing is that despite low test levels, I was still able to put on plenty of weight with an 8 week HST cycle last year.

I've got a mate that has done about 9 test, deca, dbol cycles (he would have used others but I can't remember them all, he is huge and walking pharmacy to prove it). He has got all of his hair on his head and minimal body hair, but he had to get gyno cut out of his chest (cost a bit). I guess its a case of horses for courses, everyone responds differently and I had friends who were good responders and I stupidly followed thinking I'd be fine as well. I got no gyno or significant water retention, however the other sides I did get are a bitch.
(seemore @ Apr. 23 2008,4:44)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">yeah I became more hairy and I have a receding temporal hairline, despite no one on my mothers side losing thier hair and my father at 55 only has slight temporal recession. An endocrinologist has told me the shedding can take up to 18 months to stop or it may just continue (I will be getting hair transplants if this is the case).
I only did the deca for 4 weeks (cut the course early) because I could tell that it was no good, my balls basically disappeared (unlike a test only cycle) and it took a good 8-10 weeks after the course to bounce back in size. I've had low test levels since. An endocrinologist has assured me that for someone my age it will all come good with time, however I've read up on the issue and this is why I am using the ancillaries to speed up the recovery. The amazing thing is that despite low test levels, I was still able to put on plenty of weight with an 8 week HST cycle last year.

I've got a mate that has done about 9 test, deca, dbol cycles (he would have used others but I can't remember them all, he is huge and walking pharmacy to prove it). He has got all of his hair on his head and minimal body hair, but he had to get gyno cut out of his chest (cost a bit). I guess its a case of horses for courses, everyone responds differently and I had friends who were good responders and I stupidly followed thinking I'd be fine as well. I got no gyno or significant water retention, however the other sides I did get are a bitch.</div>
yeah i think you should pull round just fine.however i wouldnt stay on hcg for too long or at a high dose. the anti e's youve got should combat any risk of gyno like you said.but if its used too long or at too higher dose the hcg could down regulate your lydig cells and you could end up only slightly better off than when you started it.

i was lucky, apart from some extra body hair and a few hairs dropping out of my temples i didnt get any sides, even without anti' e's.

good luck.
Cool, well thanks for the words of support, I should be doing ok now that I've gotten my hands on some PCT goods.

My hCG protocol is going to be 250IU's 6 times a week (Sunday misses out). This goes on for 3 weeks (total of 4500IU's) and then I am on too the Nolvadex.
I have decided not to do the GHRP-2 and I'll try a myostatin antibody available from a certain &quot;research&quot; site instead. It isn't cheap at $2000 for a 50 day cycle at a low-moderate dose, but I like that sides are minimised.
I might run a log on this site. I still need to move to a new place and have my powercage delivered before I can start.
(seemore @ Apr. 25 2008,6:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have decided not to do the GHRP-2 and I'll try a myostatin antibody available from a certain &quot;research&quot; site instead. It isn't cheap at $2000 for a 50 day cycle at a low-moderate dose, but I like that sides are minimised.
I might run a log on this site. I still need to move to a new place and have my powercage delivered before I can start.</div>
from what ive read up about myostatin inhibators and the like, they are a rip off, so beware. without proper gene therapy i dont see how it would be possible to make any difference. if i were to do anything it would be gh, if i could afford it.

gh would help you lean out and keep the muscle. while myostatin inhibators could just lean out your wallet.
Yes the supplements myostim and myostat are a rip-off.....however myostatin antibodies and myostatin propeptide are not. I am not sure I'd go the genetic route yet (there's a guy on anabolicminds that claims to have access to a vaccine soon) as this would permanently kill-off your myostatin. I am sure cycling the effect with a myostatin antibody would reduce sides compared with a permanent genetic route.

I am sure that we cannot post sources on here otherwise there is a very interesting research chem site that has a host of &quot;peptides&quot; and &quot;antibodies&quot; that are the newest goodies on the block that we will be seeing at Beijing this year. None of them shutdown your HPTA and none of them are detectable or looked for, they are truly novel compounds with far less sides than AAS. I'll PM you the site.
(seemore @ Apr. 25 2008,6:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Can't PM you, says you don't exist.</div>
very strange.

one thing i have learned is that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, so it will be interesting to know what side effects these compounds have long term.
^True, but here's the kicker, there are cows (belgian blue) that have a myostatin deficiency bred into them and they live long and fruitful lives. So it seems that this has sides that don't get noticed, unlike gear.
(seemore @ Apr. 27 2008,4:26)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">^True, but here's the kicker, there are cows (belgian blue) that have a myostatin deficiency bred into them and they live long and fruitful lives. So it seems that this has sides that don't get noticed, unlike gear.</div>
how imagine, every dude on the planet will be 300lb ripped!

so old fashioned hard work will go out the window.i prefer to work hard for what ive got, i think its part of lifes struggle, to overcome obsticles and learn things.if everything was handed to you on a plate, life would be very boring indeed.

would i try them? maybe a little, i wouldnt want to lose sight of my goals.
Well I am all for something safer than steroids, I think it is a good advancement. I'll see how my trial goes, it is freaking expensive at this point hopefully it comes down in price.

I am not blessed with good genetics, being an ectomorph. No amount of training would get me much further than where I am today, I probably have much higher myostatin levels naturally, Life's a bitch. Some people are born with an unfair advantage (a German boy produces no myostatin and he is ripped at only 4 years old) and I think it's good to have these low sides chems coming online.
(seemore @ Apr. 27 2008,4:38)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Well I am all for something safer than steroids, I think it is a good advancement. I'll see how my trial goes, it is freaking expensive at this point hopefully it comes down in price.

I am not blessed with good genetics, being an ectomorph. No amount of training would get me much further than where I am today, I probably have much higher myostatin levels naturally, Life's a bitch. Some people are born with an unfair advantage (a German boy produces no myostatin and he is ripped at only 4 years old) and I think it's good to have these low sides chems coming online.</div>
i hear ya, i was 11st before i started training and im a real slow gainer, although i put that down to my crappy diet(in the past).

its been a real struggle to get where i am today, but i still have years of training a head before i reach my goal.

ive seen the cows,dogs and mice along with the young german boy. in the end though as we(humans) become less physical our muscle mass will diminish through breeding. the only way to keep some degree of muscle will be through genetics,wehter it be passed on by generations or manipulation.