HST 6 days a week. Half the body each day.


New Member
I am currently doing this sort of cycle currently in the last weeks of 15s. I am in contest prep mode also.
My split is quads, hams, calfs, bis, tris on the first day and the on the second day shoulders, chest, back.
Currently doing 2 exercises for every muscle but calfs and back is three. And only 1 set per exercise.
And doing cardio 2 times a day 3 days a weeks and 1 time on 2 days.
Diet is basically UD2 diet.
I don't know, but once you get to the 5s and lift heavy, doing biceps and triceps one day and back and chest on the other (I am assuming rows/chins and bench presses) will probably get your bis and tris overtrained.
On the other hand, with your low volume, it might be worthwhile to leave it the way it is to get that extra punch to the arms, especially if you don't work them that much when not in contest prep.

It's a judgement call that only you can make.

Good luck in your contest!  
IMO a push one day pull the next day would be better,but if your in contest prep ie cutting your only trying to maintane what you have.
(Old and Grey @ Apr. 17 2008,12:15)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">On the other hand, with your low volume, it might be worthwhile to leave it the way it is to get that extra punch to the arms, especially if you don't work them that much when not in contest prep.

It's a judgement call that only you can make.

Good luck in your contest!
agreed, i dont think overtraining the arms will b an issue.

it might do u good.
(mdts @ Apr. 17 2008,11:52)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am currently doing this sort of cycle currently in the last weeks of 15s. I am in contest prep mode also.
My split is quads, hams, calfs, bis, tris on the first day and the on the second day shoulders, chest, back.
Currently doing 2 exercises for every muscle but calfs and back is three. And only 1 set per exercise.
And doing cardio 2 times a day 3 days a weeks and 1 time on 2 days.
Diet is basically UD2 diet.</div>
What is your question? You seem like you are focused in both your training and diet, which is a great model for success. I love the high frequency.

The only thing I would change is any isolation exercise. Work compounds at lower volume for the higher frequency and the results should be gratifying.
im curious about the UD 2.0 diet part. typically UD is a diet and w/o combo used to achieve fat loss. how are you coupling HST 6days a week with the UD 2.0 diet part?

unless of course ud2 is not UD 2.0
I will break down my workouts for everyone and as for the arms portion my arms need to come up more so and for me I don't get any feeling in my arms when doing chest and back exercises. Here is the breakdown and order in which I do them 1 set each:

Workout 1
Flat hammer press
T-bar Row
Incline db press Palms IN
Palms IN medium grip Pulldown
DB Laterals
1-ARM lying on side rear laterals
Rack deadlifts

Workout 2
Preacher Curl
V-bar pressdowns
1-arm Flat side preacher
Kneeling cable rope ext behind head
1-leg calf raise
leg press
lying leg curl
Walking lunges

As for the diet I am following the diet as written but not so much the workout. On the low to no carb days I am doing cardio 2 times a day.

The main reason I came to HST was to hopefully get my shoulder (Bursitis and Tendonitis) to feel better and so far it is working at least it feels better. I hope it will continue to improve so I can really kick things into high gear after the contest.
A slight deviation from theoriginal thread, but would anyone advocate HST 6 days a week, FULL BODY each day?  Of course, the aim would be to keep weekly volume relatively consistent, but the idea of increasing the frequency for increased size has me curious.
(omega99 @ Apr. 18 2008,8:59)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">A slight deviation from theoriginal thread, but would anyone advocate HST 6 days a week, FULL BODY each day?  Of course, the aim would be to keep weekly volume relatively consistent, but the idea of increasing the frequency for increased size has me curious.</div>
i have tried it,but i think i had to many exercises in each workout,i didnt gain any mass but i didnt lose any either.

you would need to keep it to about four exercises a day IMO,and have easy and hard days,like chest one day might be bench and the next day flys,if you do it put up your workout and the guys can help pick the best exercises,and let us know how you go on,good luck
THere are specific reasons UD2 is setup the way it is, and the diet and training interact in that regards. Doing the diet, while doing somethign different for the training aint the best concept in the universe.
I tend to agree with Aaron here, as Lyle defintelly knows what he's talking about amidst all the #$@%^&amp;*() that he puts in his articles
I am only doing half the body each day not full body.
Yes I do have the book on the UD2 diet and he does presribe a different format of workout but I said I am following the diet part not so much the training part of it. What I am doing seems to be working just fine for me all I can say is don't knock it till you try it. I have always been one to not follow the pack and that is what has gotten me this far.
(mdts @ Apr. 19 2008,12:14)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have always been one to not follow the pack and that is what has gotten me this far.  
Not following the pack is what got most of us here...