hst & aas


New Member
In the hst faq, it says to increase volume when using aas rather than load. Do they mean to increase reps or sets?

I would prefer to increase reps for a better pump and shorter workout, but wanted to see if one is recommended over the other.
At the end of the day it isn't going to make a lot of difference whether you add more reps to a set (assuming you can) or do more sets if the total work done is the same. Your goal is to get more work done with a heavy load. More sets has the advantage that you are keeping fatigue a bit lower than if you constantly try to add extra reps to a set each time you feel a bit stronger.

Getting a muscle pump is not a key indicator that you did enough to hypertrophy a muscle; you can get a pump from using a light weight for lots of reps which is going to do diddly squat for hypertrophy. So, trying to add reps to a set just to get a pump is perhaps not a good reason for doing so.

If adding sets makes your workout too long then you could just try decreasing the time taken between sets and see how that works out.
Hmmm, my post disappeared, or I didn't hit the button...
I'd referred to "both" being okay, depending on your conditioning and time. Lol hit it right on the head too, being that AA's give you better recovery and immediate strength.
I think you have to feel some of this out in relation to your strengths and ignore the pump factor. I can only anecdotally speak from PH usage though, and factually from a couple years of reading. There seems to be both immediate recovery ability and overnight recovery improvement.
If I were going to do AAS...I would stick to HIGHER reps especially as your AAS cycle gets longer.

I say this b/c of worry / fear of tendon tears at higher loads.