HST & Abs


New Member
Just wondering if you guys also work out your abs on HST the same way you hit every other muscle. I ask because I did for a few cycles and while my abs have made some progress, their growth is pushing my stomach out. I'm somewhere in the teens when it comes to bodyfat so right now I only see a faint outline of the top four but it's annoying because my abs are starting to push my stomach past my chest. It doesn't help that the way my chest just gets wider when it grows, it doesn't come out much.

I'm wondering if maybe I should back off of doing abs HST style and just do traditional crunch and situp routines. Any and all input is appreciated. Thanks!
i think most on here do ab exercises normal style,nobody or most of us dont want our waistlines getting any bigger
Yeah, I'll second what Totz said. I didn't do much in the way of any direct ab work for a long time (several years) as I found that other exercises worked them pretty hard, either isometrically or through a small ROM.

I've always felt a little guilty that I haven't done any regular ab work so, recently, I started doing hanging leg raises (shins to bar) as a more direct ab exercise. Interestingly, although I pushed it pretty hard for 3 sets of 10, my abs didn't get very sore at all from the extra work. Considering that any new exercise usually has the effect of increasing DOMS the first few sessions, it makes me think that my abs weren't in particularly bad shape from the regular isometric work.

I think if you've managed to develop your abs with heavy, low-rep work and you are happy with their size and strength, you could easily do only a minimal amount of direct work to maintain them. If you are squatting and deadlifting etc. with some relatively heavy loads you might get away with no direct ab work at all and still maintain. Easy to find out! I'm always surprised how much strain is taken by my abs doing weighted chins (weight hanging from belt). I often get some ab soreness after a few good sets of those.
Thanks for all the quick replies everyone.

I guess I'll take it easy and just do some normal situps and some isometric stuff just because I'm not really hitting them too much indirectly. I'm not doing any squats or deadlifts sadly because of a foot problem.

Thanks again for the replies guys. You saved me from having super huge freakish abs.