
New Member
Ok guys, im in a point of this training where im doubting myself, or the efforts of the myself applied to the training, and doubting what the training has offered my physique in 7 weeks

the basic information

from day one of this program 7 weeks ago, untill now i have been purchasing alot of the " ATLAS 1500 protein shakes " which basically is 6 scoops before training, 6 scoops after training and 6 scoops before going to bed, wich acumulates to 3300 calories on training days only, and i consume 2300 being a total of proper food

non training days consume around 2100 maybe 3200 with 6 scoops of atlas superweight gainer before going to bed.

other factors of information i had to include, every single night even on training days i find myself being up untill the next day usually between 4-7am BUT when i fall asleep, i do sleep for the full 6-10 hours each day.

started creatine on week 3 or 5 i cant remember, i think 5, stopped after 2 weeks, wich was the proper recommended time by pro athletes i spoke to so my organism doesnt get too used to its effects because it stops working on our bodies after some time.

Week 0: 143.2 pounds
week 1: 149.4 pounds
week 2: 148.5 pounds
week 3: 151.0 pounds
week 4: 150.6 pounds
week 5: 153.2 pounds
week 6: 151.6 pounds

after being off the creatine, and maybe the sleep issue, i have been robbed of my stregnth in certain excercises. These excercises are as follows with the weight reduction.

week 6
Shoulder press - monday successfully completed 22kg db, 5/5/5

shoulder press - friday increased weight to 24 then switched to 22 because i couldnt do it so its 5 with 24 then /4/3 with 22

week 7
Shoulder press - monday went back to 22, barely done 4/3/3

Bicep curls i went up to 22 KG 5X3 full completion, went to 24, didnt have enough strength on the next training day, went back to 22, struggled to complete 5x3 on that.

week 6
BENCH PRESS - friday 65KG (never before attempted) successfully completed 5/5/5

week 7
BENCH PRESS - monday 65kg, struggled 1st set only completed 2, so i dropped to 60kg and finished doing the rest with 5/5

But the main excercises are going up as usual.

i notice from the statistics, i havent really been growing much, even though this is the first proper cycle im performing, does the sleep really affect performance and growth EVEN THOUGH the organism still gets the required calories and 8 hour or more sleep regardless what time you go to sleep etc etc

last bit of information, since i been training thats all i been doing, i havent been going out at night, i havent been spending my energy going out at all, all i do these past months is staying at home eat sleep play video games, and go gym and back home again.

im starting to think maybe my genetic make up may have the better of me, i duno.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Started creatine on week 3 or 5 i cant remember, i think 5, stopped after 2 weeks, wich was the proper recommended time by pro athletes i spoke to so my organism doesnt get too used to its effects because it stops working on our bodies after some time.</div>

Hey Ruben, who on earth told you that? If you are a creatine responder and you have a supply of monohydrate readily available (ie. you bought a tub) then take about 5g a day. No need to take double doses or anything to load up initially. Just keep to a 5g dose a day (before workouts on training days). If you want to take a break from taking it then do so when you are on SD between cycles.

Re growth: food affects that! You have to eat above maintenance calories to grow. If you are not getting heavier on a weekly basis then you aren't eating enough to grow. Unless you are carrying a lot of body fat the chances of adding muscle without gaining weight are slim at best.
Re on Lol's comment. If your weight isn't increasing you are not getting enough calories (try eating more or lowering your caloric expenditure by dropping some cardio if possible). If you are gaining weight but too much fat and too little muscle then you probably have a problem with your training or are bulking too fast.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> around 2100 maybe 3200</div>
From your post you seem to not track calories so precisely. I would recommend to log everything you eat and have a precise calorie count. If your weight is not change gradually increase that value until you get the result you want.
woops, regards to that, everything i eat is logged, the foods and its calorie, protein value etc etc, wat i meant by around 2100 maybe 3200 is some days i consume 2100 on non training days, and sumtyms when i feel like having a shake before going to bed it will be 3200, but i usually eat more then what my food diary tells me, its all divided 6 meals, eveyr 2-3 hours i eat.
(Ruben_pereira @ Jul. 17 2008,6:01)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Ok guys, im in a point of this training where im doubting myself, or the efforts of the myself applied to the training, and doubting what the training has offered my physique in 7 weeks

Week 0: 143.2 pounds
week 1: 149.4 pounds
week 2: 148.5 pounds
week 3: 151.0 pounds
week 4: 150.6 pounds
week 5: 153.2 pounds
week 6: 151.6 pounds</div>
Let's see. From your posted figures, you've gained over eight pounds in six weeks.

And this is a problem, why...?
because, those 8 pounds are = water retention in the muscles, FOOD being the primary weight in my stomach, because from 2 meals a day last year, to 6 meals in my body building year does make alot of difference in weight.
Eat more. You aren't eating enough. Get around 3000 calories every day. The day after training you are still growing, so stop reducing calories on non training days. You aren't minimizing fat gains by doing this. Well, maybe you might be, but you are severely limiting muscle/strength gains in the process.

Don't cycle creatine, just take it forever. Whoever told you that it stops working is a moron who doesn't know what he/she is talking about.

Sleep won't directly affect gains, but lack of sleep can indirectly affect it by reducing your recovery ability, reducing immune system, sapping strength and maybe hurting your motivation to train.

Strength will be reduced by not taking creatine and possibly from lack of sleep. Also, eat more like I was saying. Eating more food is one of the best things you can do for increasing or maintaining your strength. If you keep eating like a sparrow on your non training days, then when it comes to your training days, you won't be at optimal strength levels.

Also, eat more food.
thank you so much, i really thought sleeping at the right hours like 9pm everynite was the key factor of growing, so people say go sleep early wake up early lol

You are worrying over nothing (you've gained some weight), how do you know it is water weight?

As Lol, TR and Tot all said, creatine is 5 g/day forever, no need to stop anytime, calories is 500 over BMR every day, this theory of taking more on training days then less on non-training days doesn't hold much water IMO, basically because you grow at rest and not while you are training!

My opinion, take 500 calories extra than you BMR and keep doing it daily, that should be the way to do it! However I must point out that you are growing, if you grow much faster, you will be gaining fat!

You say not gaining, yet I believe you are at a rate of 500 g/week, you keep going like that you will be 26 Kg heavier in a year, now if you are not gaining a lot of fat that is nothing short of excellent.

This game is all about patience, mate!
Ruben you shouldnt be moaning at all...id be jumping for joy if i could have gains like that..

im about 140 lbs so i take it your a twig like me lol..
This calculator might help you set a realistic target for the amount of muscle you can expect to gain (though not sure how accurate it is in relation to HST, maybe you could expect slightly greater gains in muscle mass). And it will of course give you cals per day etc. to double check your figures.

Read the text above the calculator first.


During my first cycle I struggled with tri extensions and to a lesser degree bicep curls at the end of the 10's and then the tri extensions actually went down during the 5's. I assumed it was over training so dropped them . . . . simplify and win . . . .