HST and Boxing


New Member
I've just started up boxing training, I'm doing a 1 hour boxing circuit class at a boxing gym where they actually train competive boxers, so its not this pussy boxercise crap, this is 1 hour of intense boxing training. My delts and pecs are pretty sore, and I'm wondering about how I should work it in with HST training. Obviously the boxing training is fatiguing my CNS more than the muscles themselves, which was a great revelation of HST.

I'm planning on doing boxing tues and thurs, and HST mon-wed-fri. I haven't felt this sore in the chest since I first lifted weights like 5 years ago. Obiviously the endurance in my upper body is pretty crap (I cycle a lot), which is why I took it up.

Also as part of the training you're expected to do push-ups til failure at least 3 times in the session, in addition to all the continuous punching you have to do.
Do it on your off days from lifting, or do it 8 hours apart from your lifting if it falls on the same day.  That way whatever you are doing, you will be able to give it your all.  If you can't put everything into it, neither weight training or boxing is going to give very much back to you.

Pushups to failure may or may not interfere with the weight training. I cannot say. I think though since they are just bodyweight, you'll probably be able to recover pretty good from them. If you notice your chest getting smaller or your punches getting weaker, then you'll know to "fail" sooner doing your pushups.
yes use it as cardio on off days..i use a bag for cardio on off days,
as vagrant says i dont think bodyweight pressups will be to bad and you can always pretend you have reached faliure and stop just short
I am in taekwondo and I have this problem aswell. I have been working out with Ellington Darden's HIT book and going to failure with each workout. Whenever we do drills...which is almost every class, I do what I can with pushups and other arm workouts but stop when I know I have done all I can take.

I am going to start lifting with HST in hopes of getting even more growth with less fatigue. Is it OK to do 45 minutes of cardio(taekwondo) the day after I have worked out? I just don't want the two to interfere with eachother to where I do not see improvement in either.
I don't have a good recipe for you. When I took taekwondo we only did a modest amount of pushups and exercise, not enough to interfere with weights.

I was searching for something by Joe Lewis (one time world full contact kick boxing champ), who lifted weights a lot, but can't find a routine.

You may have to be a bit flexible. I'm thinking of the original WSSB (west side for skinny ba$t**ds) routine by Joe DeFranco. As I recall, it has 2 upper body days a week and only 1 lower body day, being designed for athletes who are already doing a lot of running, sprinting, etc in their sports training.

In HST, sometimes guys do an ABA routine, for instance squat/deadlift/squat, on alternate training days. You calculate the progression as usual, just don't do the days where you are doing the other exercise. If fatigue gets to be a problem, maybe do the same here, doing 1-2 workouts a week intead of 3, and using the drills in class in place of a workout.

In summary, if fatigue gets to be an issue, reduce frequency (or volume) but keep training.
Thanks a lot. I will check the WSSB workouts and the other stuff you mentioned when I get back from work.

The only time pushups have interfered with my weight lifting is when we do an entire 45 minutes of drills and then I just do trunkcurls vs pushups because one time i over did it and my triceps took about a 1.5 to 2 weeks to recover from and i was very weak during the time.
I'll know how you feel soon enough. i'll be training in MMA, doing thai, wrestling, shootbox and ju-jitsu....but thats when i think HST come in handy....even if you only do 1-2 workouts a week atleast your hitting all the muscles, and if your really concerned just up the sets, it cant harm you that much, just be sure not to feel obligated into finishing a whole workout....my best advice for fatigue avoidence is listen to your body.

good luck mate.

PS...EAT, EAT BIG...EAT CLEAN = less fatigue!!