HST and Diet


Active Member
Hey guys here is my question. I have been cutting now for about 2 1/2 months. Eating lower calories per meal and lower fat with moderate carbs. I have gone from 190 down to 177 now. I look way better and the abs have just started to poke through. First I never really realized how much weight or fat it takes to lose for your abs to show. At 190 I had a flat stomach but it took me all the way to 177 or so for them to start coming through. Here is my question. I dont want to lose to much more weight b/c for one I wear suits at my job and they are expensive and well if i continue to lose weight they will be hanging on me, also they I dont want to get back bulky? My goal was to get down very lean like I have and stay within that range for the rest of the year around 8 to 10 pounds, I didnt want to get to fare from being able to get in good shape say in a month. Well now that I don't want to loose more weight but I am not quite were I want to be with a ripped physique, should I start back slowing increasing calories through just protein or what?

I guess what I am asking is will a slow bulk over next 3 months help, b/c originally the cutting cycle was to get lean with abs, but again I dont want to go any lower in weight and If I continue to cut while on hst we all know do to lower calorie intake I will not make gains. So what do you do :confused:

Thanks Joe!
It depends on your priorities. If you think losing some more weight will cause your clothes to loose their snug fit, or cause them to give you a sloppy appearance due to not fitting nicely at all, then stop cutting, and start on a slow bulk. A slow bulk can work just fine. You can slowly add the mass, while keeping the fat off, possibly losing a bit more, depending.
Yep, most definitely a slow bulk, otherwise you would really have to buy new suits, and that would be pretty unnecessary, because you'll buy new ones then throw them away again once you bulk up

Eat perhaps not too much above maintenance, continue with your normal HST. Instead of totally lowering the fat intake, increase your consumption of good fats. By not eating too much, you won't be making incredible muscle gains, but you won't be packing on fat too.

Regards and good luck! :)