HST and Gain


New Member
Hello everyone!
I am starting my first HST cycle tomorrow. I know all of you hear this alot and I appreciate all that is here. I have read everything that i can, faqs, website articles, threads, Simplify and Win! etc. I would now like to get everyones opinion.

6' 26 years old
9-10% BF
5 years heavy lifting
215-220 w/ 5-8% BF

I am able to maintain a pretty low BF with some effort but not busting my balls.
As hard as it is for me I am going to keep it simple. I am used ot lifting to failure, eating clean and alot and doing the whole 2-3 body parts per workout with 4-5 workouts a week.

So here is my HST workout (in LBS)
Squats             1-6          1-6            1-6
                       125-175   160-210   175-250
DB Bench         1-6           1-6           1-6        
                       135-185   175-225    ----
BB Bench         1-6           1-6            1-6
                       ------         -----          215-265
BB Row            1-6           1-6           1-6
                       100-150   135-185   170-220
Arnold press    1-6           1-6           1-6
                       20-45       30-55       40-65
sets will be as follows:

and since this is my first cycle I will probally extend my 5's
I really would like to hit my goals in the next 12-24 months. I would like to see if you guys think that I should keep this or make some changes. Any advice to keep me proper during HST. I would like to add in MAX STIM in future cycles as this seems very intersting to me. And I have ran one cycle of PH's with plans to do a few more in the future. However with my dicovory of HST I may see how far I can go with out assistance.
I would like to compete in the future but I will probally wait a few years until my wife and I are done having kids(have one would like 1-2 more). But while waiting I want to get into amazing shape and add some good size.
This is going to be a little weird, my first workout seems like it will be very light and with only one set well... it isn't going to take very long.

What does everyone suggest for Ab work if done 3x a week

and should I add a seconf set for week 2 of 15's??

Deadlifts, pullups? Why two bench movements? are you going to alternate them? One of them incline?

If staying lean is more important than gaining muscle I would aim for only 0.5lbs/wk instead of the recommended 1lb/wk. However, I think based on your height and weight 1lb/wk probably wouldnt add a bunch of fat to you provided you have SDed adequately.

Adding 25lbs and dropping 1-2% BF should be doable in two years without too much difficulty I think.
Well, first of all welcome Hooked.

Then, business:

1 - Workout is fine and simple but is missing deadlifts, an importnat exercise to add to the mixture, then as bgates indicates tow bench movements are unecessary unless you doing a A/B set up and that may be the best as I'd recommend alternating squats with one deadlift p/week at least, so 2 squats + 1 deadlift.

2 - Seeing that you have been lifting heavy for 5 years, you came to the right place, here we do less and gain more, by using HST techniques, also you don't have to start from scratch.

3 - You will not grow as a weed like a newbie would because you are quite conditioned thus a 14 day SD at least before you start is downright eseential (if you want HST to work)

4 - Low body fat is important (with some work) but so is growth right? Can't have the best of both worlds, have to bulk then cut, but mid-road approach would be to go on 500 Kcals excess over maintenance to at least start growing some, if no results, then top that up to 1000.

5 - If you keep up in the next two cycles you should have seen some difference towards the positive, I won't speculate but 1 kg per month is an approachable target, which would take you +/- 12 months to 220, a moderate approach but very much possible.

I would throw in standing presses (good for load and can be easily switched to push presses during post 5s). I'd also add dips and chins (both weighted) and deads.

I'd do db bench one cycle and then bb bench the next or, if you really want to both in a cycle, I'd alternate them each session rather than just switching to bb bench during 5s.

For volume you could try this:

Week 1: 2 x 15
Week 2: 1 x 15
Week 3: 2 x 10
Week 4: 1.5 x 10
Week 5: 3 x 5
Week 6: 2 x 5
Subsequent weeks of 5s try to get 2 x 5 if possible but maybe start to cluster after the first set. Depending on how far beyond the 5s you go, you could end up doing something like this: 3, 3, 2, 2 to get your 10 reps and to manage fatigue.

One other thing: a good rule of thumb for starting loads is to use about 55% of your 5RM (or 50% of your 1RM). This seems to work out well for most exercises. That would see you starting your squats at around 135lbs rather than the 125 you have calculated.

Another tip is to start with 75% of your RM for that rep range and add 5% per session. That way you will be doing 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%, 95% and then your RM over six workouts for each mesocycle.

Start your cycle with the higher of the two (ie. either 75% of 15RM or 50% of 1RM).

All the best.
The only reason I have both DB and BB bench is because my gym only has 125lb DB's and I need to go heavier then that so I switched over to BB
OK add some things, deads, check, chins, check, and adjust volume Sounds great. I only did a 10 day SD and I did a very light workout this morning. SOO should I hold off another couple of days? And I do not have my maxs for deads or chins I could probally guess them pretty close but I want to do this right.
Regarding SD

I'd not worry too much, although this is your choice, you probably dying to get going, but if you don't get much gains you know where it is coming from.

Otherwise you should be fine!
I am just worried that I have already runied my SD by working out this morning anyways I am sure that we are all "dying" to get going I am sure however I am prepared to attack this the right way. I want to be serious about gaining mass. So if I need to change my ways I will  
Even if that means redoing my maxs and starting SD again I am cool with that. This last weekend I was going over HST with my workout partner and to say the least we aren't on the same program right now. I told him that I read through this and it makes sense he is stuck in some old ways. Anyways this will just affect me so I want to give it the best shot I can and show him HST is something to think about  
SO hit me up, what do the pros suggest? I feel lucky to have had Lol and Fausto reply to my thread as during my reading I know you two know your stuff.

Thanks and do your worst to  me
as LOL suggested you could do this
Week 1: 2 x 15
Week 2: 1 x 15
or you could just rep out ie if you get to 15 on the first workout and its to easy carry on but stop one short of faliure,also lift the submax weights quicker there are some studies that show with lighter weights working nearer to faliure"not faliure"and lifting quicker engage more fibres.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I feel lucky to have had Lol and Fausto reply to my thread as during my reading I know you two know your stuff.</div>

Thanks for the honour, both me and Lol are pretty standard, we answer all the time, I think our intention is to help newbies get around this and get the best gains they can! But there are a lot of others here who know their stuff and they also throw in their bit.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am just worried that I have already runied my SD by working out this morning anyways I am sure that we are all &quot;dying&quot; to get going I am sure however I am prepared to attack this the right way.</div>

Lets just say the attitude is right for starters, do not fret, get going with cycle 1 and analyse things afterwards, you should be fine if you've done 10 days.

Guess those maxes close enough and go for it. Faz's suggestion is cool, most of us survive the 15's after the intial &quot;shock&quot;, this is because no one really predicts the 15's to kick one butt so seriously because they seem so light!
OK let the revamping begin!

new schedule

squat 2x week deads x1
BB bench all the way through
standing press/ push presses if needed
abs (any suggestions?)

and I like what Lol had laid out so I will try that out
week 1: 2x15
2: 1x15
3: 2x10
4: 1.5x10 (do half week of 2x10 or 1x10 followed by 1x5?)
5: 3x5
6: 2x5

Now when going from first set to the next do I keep the same weight?
set 1
set 2

Oh, and I am going to go through and redue my weights in %

Look good?
Sounds better I know that my workout tomorrow will feel better then yesterdays
Load progression in HST means from one workout to the next. Not from one set to the next. So, when you do two or more work sets in one workout, use the same weight.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">abs (any suggestions?)</div>

Hooked...this is up to you...really a matter of personal choice...and if you really pushing serious weights it becomes almost redundant, many people prefre to do them either after your session or on off days.

Swiss ball crunches, dragon flags, hanging leg raises, calce crunches are all fairly good choices.

What Lol suggest is a slight reduction of volume in your secopnd week of each mesocycle, I'd only apply it during the 5's when things get hectic, but yes it is a good approach, specially for him as he moves some hoooge amounts even on 15's.

The ony other thing I'd add is weighted dips alternated with teh BB bench, it is an excellent chest exercise.