HST and my job


New Member
Hello my new friends,

I'm keen to start an HST cycle but am having trouble tailoring it around my job. I work at a warehouse doing a lot of manual labor (lifting 10lb-40lb boxes, moving pallets of stock around etc). By the end of the day I'm usually pretty exhausted. So a workout after a hard day would be out of the question. I do get a day off every week though. My schedule looks like this:

Mon - Work 8am-5pm
Tue - Work 8am-5pm
Wed - Off
Thu - Work 8am-5pm
Fri - Work 8am-5pm
Sat - Off
Sun - Off

So my options are,

1) Train Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Eat like a horse.

2) Train 6am Monday morning, Wednesday and Saturday. Eat like a horse.

3) Train Wednesday and Saturday. Eat like a horse.

What do you think would be best to maximize gains? Right now I'm leaning towards option #2, but do you think weights 3 days a week + all the lifting at work would be putting too my strain on my body?
Are you using any supps? You might find that using a pre-workout supp will give you the energy to complete a workout even after work. Though just getting motivated to go to the gym after work is probably still gonna be tough! The best cure for that is a training partner.

I tried a preworkout formula with Nitric Oxide etc which gave me plenty of energy but I stopped using it as I felt like I'd have a brain hemorrhage every time I lifted heavy. However I've started using SizeOn recently and it's just as good at fueling my workout given it's creatine & high sugar content, and no head splitting pains, and then there's the benefit of creatine (which finally seems to be producing the results I'd always read it should).
(Old and Grey @ Sep. 27 2008,12:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">#2 hands down.</div>
I with O &amp; G. Actually since you are off on Wed and Sat - just train early on Monday before work and do your workouts on your days off whenever it fits your schedule those days.