HST and my protien intake


Active Member
Good morning Guys! I have been honing my HST skill for a year now and I think its time I get better at adequate protein intake. There is always and excuse for me when it comes to shakes...but they bottom line is I get to lazy to make them half the time. So I have set a new goal for me and that is to continue to eat healthy as possible and get good calories in for growth, but also I have just order some new protein and I was wondering what you guys think. I am going to take in one shake of 50 grams say 3 to 4 times a week on training days, half before I workout half post workout. I figured realistically I want make a 50 gram shake everyday so will I be ok just taking shake on training days only.

Just for those who haven't been following my post lately. My new stats are 6 feet 178 at about 10.5% bodyfat.

I haven't figured what my clean calorie needs will be at this new bodyweight to do a very slow bulk. I dont want to get out of shape with the whole bulking cycle again this year. All advice is welcome, espically on the new calorie needs and protein.

thanks Joe!

I'm not totally sure on what you're asking, but you did mention you wanted advice on caloric intake and protein.

Protein seems to be pretty standard - make it 1g/lb - you could even try bumping that up to 1.5g/lb.

Caloric intake (I used the Katch & McArdle formula)

BMR = 370 + (21.6 x lean mass in kilograms)

your lean mass (kg) = 178/2.2 * .895 = 72.41kg

bmr = 1934kcals... kcal intake assuming you workout 3-4x/week with some cardio should be 2901 kcals per day

You did mention you want to do a slow bulk, so just add another shake or sandwich to those 2900 kcals and eat 3200-3300 per day, and as long as you have some cardio mixed in there, you should have some clean gains.

Read Bryan's article on Nutrtion, Pre/Post and the FAQs on Nutrition. It's all in there. ;)

With Protein honestly speaking, I am more of a Timing man than amount per se, yes you need enough protein to grow but the timing of ingesting it is soooooo important in my eyes.

Hey :)

I agree with Dan on favoring timing versus consuming loads and loads of protein.

Getting more and more protein usually means the body gets to dispose of it more (oxidizes it and spits it out more, because hey, there's an abundance of it practically all the time). I was actually disappointed that protein pulse feeding seems to have died down. It made sense biologically, but I guess our species just aren't efficient at keeping excess protein no matter what.

Good timing on protein makes a difference though. Before workout, you need to eat good, including good protein intake, because you'll use that for working out. Post workout, it's important also to get lots of protein. But as time drags on, protein intake gets less and less significant (on muscle building; you still need it to balance nitrogen retention, but that doesn't take so much), and all our protein munching probably results in our body oxidizing more protein.

I'm not saying protein isn't important. I'm just saying timing it so that you consume more on your pre and post workout meal than on other meals will probably give better results than just consuming a ton when you feel like it.

So as far as worrying about your protein intake goes... don't.
Most of us probably already eat more protein than we really need. Just make sure you have proper pre and post workout nutrition, and a decent protein intake every meal. If you count only complete (animal) protein, then 1g per pound is more than enough. With a good diet, supplements aren't really necessary, but it won't hurt either, so go ahead with your plan of drinking a pre and post workout shake. That's good timing, but don't forget a good meal afterwards.
