HST and no caloric surplus


I have been lifting for the past 15 years. Several years were training for college football so I'm very familiar with heavy, compound lifts. I stumbled upon HST a little over a year ago and gave it a try. I really did like the program and the fact that I could get a good weightlifting workout in 3 days a week.

My goals may be a little different than others on here. While I am looking to gain a little mass, I'm not looking to gain a lot. I'm pretty happy with my physique right now and would really like to maintain my mass or maybe gain a little, while losing a few lb's in the mid section.

I know a lot of this has to do with diet and I'm sure that is the answer, but my question is this:

If I am looking to maintain my mass and am not looking to have a caloric surplus with the program, is it right for me? I just can't stand going to the gym 4-5 times a week and doing a standard split. I really like to get in, hit it hard, and get out and stay in pretty good shape.

I realize it's a give and take and you can't have it both ways. It's hard to lose a few lbs of gut and build muscle at the same time. Just wondering if anyone else is in the same position.
Make up your mind first - do you want to gain a little mass, or do you want to lose a few lbs of fat. Because you can't do both at the same time. Even people using steroids have a hard time doing both at the same time unless they are on tren or taking a lot of GH or something. You would be best doing a slow cut using HST - I just recently explained how to do this, look for a thread called something like "dialing up HST for a cut" or something along those lines.