HST and prohormon es


New Member
In the HST FAQ there is a section about AAS/prohormones and when to use them while on a HST cycle. If, for instance, I wanted to take prohormones such as Cyclotren and Havoc during the middle two weeks of HST (as stated in the FAQ), would two weeks actually be enough time to see results from the PH? I have done a cycle of the same stuff and it took about ten days to see results. Also, the FAQ talks about 2 weeks on/ 4 weeks off. It doesn't really add up to four weeks off. How would that specific cycle look if I did multiple cycles in a row? Am I being clear???
10 days to see results? That's outrageous!
I would want to see results within 10 minutes.

Why don't you spend that money on steak and eggs and some extra weights to deadlift with instead of looking for the crapola magic pill/potion?
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 09 2008,10:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">10 days to see results? That's outrageous!  
  I would want to see results within 10 minutes.

Why don't you spend that money on steak and eggs and some extra weights to deadlift with instead of looking for the crapola magic pill/potion?  
Dag, O&amp;G, why don't you tell us how you really feel...?
Okay. It took me 50 years of training to get the body I always wanted...not 10 days. People put the stupidest things in their bodies now in the guise of seeking &quot;health&quot;. Bodybuilding is a life style, not a pill. If someone just wants to look good for a while, they should get implants like our Hollywood &quot;idols&quot; do. At least you can reverse them. They are less harmful then the rat poison greedy money mongers are trying to push on to our younger generation, all in the name of the almighty dollar.

Phew. Now I feel better. Time for my morning pint!  

Super, don't take my rant personally. Us old guys get cranky once in a while. (Actually more than just once in a while.)

PS. Perhaps we met in a former life TR. Sea Wolves, Class of '67-69 here.    
(Old and Grey @ Oct. 09 2008,10:58)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">PS. Perhaps we met in a former life TR. Sea Wolves, Class of '67-69 here.    
Just missed you: First Cavalry Division '65 -- '68
The phs being referred to in the HST faq are primarily from the pre-ban era.  The current oral designers that you are considering take a longer period of time to see affects.

Havoc is NOT crapola.  It's a very smooth designer steriod with low instance of side affects, other than occasionally irritating joints.  There's also the occasional instance of blood pressure elevation, but that seems to be with more aggressive doses.  I gained about 6 pounds with no change in bodyfat in about 24 or 25 days.  PCT should be easy compared to more aggressive designer cycles.

I ran Havoc at 30/30/40/40. I could see someone dosing in the 50-60mg range, but only if you're willing to deal with loss of libido and prepared to deal other possible sides.  I should note that the primary side I experienced was very strong lethargy throughout the entire cycle.  Lethargy faded within 3-4 days of pct.

I ran a basic HST routine during pct and maintained every ounce of lean mass that I gained on cycle.  The controlled volume that hst offers is great to avoid pct burnout.
(celc5 @ Oct. 09 2008,1:31)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">The phs being referred to in the HST faq are primarily from the pre-ban era.  The current oral designers that you are considering take a longer period of time to see affects.

Havoc is NOT crapola.  It's a very smooth designer steriod with low instance of side affects, other than occasionally irritating joints.  There's also the occasional instance of blood pressure elevation, but that seems to be with more aggressive doses.  I gained about 6 pounds with no change in bodyfat in about 24 or 25 days.  PCT should be easy compared to more aggressive designer cycles.

I ran Havoc at 30/30/40/40. I could see someone dosing in the 50-60mg range, but only if you're willing to deal with loss of libido and prepared to deal other possible sides.  I should note that the primary side I experienced was very strong lethargy throughout the entire cycle.  Lethargy faded within 3-4 days of pct.

I ran a basic HST routine during pct and maintained every ounce of lean mass that I gained on cycle.  The controlled volume that hst offers is great to avoid pct burnout.</div>
When during your HST cycle did you run the Havoc? I was thinking about using it during the two weeks of 10s and two weeks 5s so that PCT would happen during the last two weeks of 5 RM.

O &amp; G, no offense taken on the rant

BUT, the new crop of designer steroids works extremely well. Maybe I shouldn't have used the word &quot;prohormone&quot;. These are really just AAS in disguise. I eat plenty and have trained very hard for many years. At 37 I needed a little kick in the pants and used one cycle of this stuff with vry good results.

Now, I am going to try HST and am just curious how some of these products would fit into the paradigm.
I ran a basic 5 day split while ON. But, I run NONE of the same exercises during this split that I use in my HST routine.

I started HST day 1 of the pct. In my opinion, it's not to my personal benefit to have inflated numbers during HST because of the anabolics.

I ran my pct 'supplementation&quot; as I normally do and simply carried on my HST regardless of supplement plan for the typical duration.
(celc5 @ Oct. 10 2008,11:17)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I ran a basic 5 day split while ON.  But, I run NONE of the same exercises during this split that I use in my HST routine.  

I started HST day 1 of the pct. In my opinion, it's not to my personal benefit to have inflated numbers during HST because of the anabolics.

I ran my pct 'supplementation&quot; as I normally do and simply carried on my HST regardless of supplement plan for the typical duration.</div>
OK. I am going to get several cycles of HST under my belt before even I consider another round of these products. I may, or may not, decide to give them another shot. So far I am really enjoying the full body routine as I've been doing splits for a long time. I can't wait to see the results at the end of this first HST run!
(superclock @ Oct. 10 2008,2:42)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">OK. I am going to get several cycles of HST under my belt before even I consider another round of these products. I may, or may not, decide to give them another shot. So far I am really enjoying the full body routine as I've been doing splits for a long time. I can't wait to see the results at the end of this first HST run!</div>
Smart move broski! I'm sure most will agree.

HST has saved me tons of money with less frequent cycles, growing more with less food, and keeping my supplements simple. Now I only use bulk creatine mono and occasionally bulk AI's like formestane for the most part.
why the hell would you want to run an aromatase inhibitor for bulking?

with no estrogen in the body you are going to run into a few problems, some long term if used regularly. labido can be affected not to mention bone density.
(lcars @ Oct. 14 2008,10:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">why the hell would you want to run an aromatase inhibitor for bulking?

with no estrogen in the body you are going to run into a few problems, some long term if used regularly. labido can be affected not to mention bone density.</div>
A nice low dose of formestane won't crush estrogen.  It can't even at high doses.  There's a limit with all AI's, which is different with each one. It won't crush estrogen like adex or letro.

Formestane is spectacular for strength and libido.  I also get a motivation/aggression kick from it (some don't though).  Finally, who said I was using AI's long term? Where does it say I was bulking? You seem to have made a lot of assumptions when reading my post.
(celc5 @ Oct. 14 2008,12:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(lcars @ Oct. 14 2008,10:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">why the hell would you want to run an aromatase inhibitor for bulking?

with no estrogen in the body you are going to run into a few problems, some long term if used regularly. labido can be affected not to mention bone density.</div>
A nice low dose of formestane won't crush estrogen.  It can't even at high doses.  There's a limit with all AI's, which is different with each one. It won't crush estrogen like adex or letro.

Formestane is spectacular for strength and libido.  I also get a motivation/aggression kick from it (some don't though).  Finally, who said I was using AI's long term? Where does it say I was bulking? You seem to have made a lot of assumptions when reading my post.</div>
maybe i read it wrong, what are bulk AI,s?

and i never said you were using them for any length of time, i was pointing out that they shouldnt be used long term ,perhaps you should read my post also.
(lcars @ Oct. 15 2008,11:11)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(celc5 @ Oct. 14 2008,12:35)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"><div>
(lcars @ Oct. 14 2008,10:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">why the hell would you want to run an aromatase inhibitor for bulking?

with no estrogen in the body you are going to run into a few problems, some long term if used regularly. labido can be affected not to mention bone density.</div>
A nice low dose of formestane won't crush estrogen.  It can't even at high doses.  There's a limit with all AI's, which is different with each one. It won't crush estrogen like adex or letro.

Formestane is spectacular for strength and libido.  I also get a motivation/aggression kick from it (some don't though).  Finally, who said I was using AI's long term? Where does it say I was bulking? You seem to have made a lot of assumptions when reading my post.</div>
maybe i read it wrong, what are bulk AI,s?

and i never said you were using them for any length of time, i was pointing out that they shouldnt be used long term ,perhaps you should read my post also.</div>
bulk powders

Have you ever tried formestane?