HST and shoulder rehab


New Member
Well, I had great results from my first HST cycle. Muscle memory+creatine gave me results that were easily 2x better than before. In 6 weeks I was looking as good as it usually too 3-4 months to do so, working out my old way (3x per week, entire body 1x per week).

But, my shoulders got messed up, in particular, the right one. DRAT! I was doing so well. So I am SDing right now, and might have to hold off for 3-4 weeks total. Its getting better however, but I am going to try an HST stype rehab/prehab routing.

I'll do a vanilla HST routine (less sets than I did previous, which screwed up my shoulders), but instead of any direct shoulder work (although Chest work and even back work could be considered shoulder work), I am going to just work the rotators. I'll probably do 3 sets for them, Cuban presses, 45degree laying on side laterals, and then external rotations with a dumbell or cable machine. These exercises are taken from that article I found out about here on the HST forums, forgot the name or the guy, but it was a good one.

For these exercisez, instead of 15-10-5 reps, I plan on going 20-15-10, except for the 45 degree laterals, which I plan on doing 20 reps all the way through. Reason being is that I dont want much, if any, hypertrophy of the supraspinatus, which runs under the acromion thingie and can get irritated there.

The other muscles can use the hypertrophy, if it happens.

I'll run this straight through the entire cycle, and I'll include some major stretching of the area as well, probably using DC's broomstick stretches.

Any thoughts or similar experience? I really want to rid myself as much as possible of these nagging shoulder problems I've had for years now. Doctor tells me nothing is broken or wrong, just needed to strengthen/stretch yadda yadda, but I never did. Thanks to that article, I understand now what its all about and what to do about it.
I am assuming you have read "Eric Cressey's Cracking the rotator cuff conumdrum" if not do so as it worth it!

I share the load there, really! I think whilst you have the right idea, do not increase the weight on those therapy exercises, and by the way they are the right one's too

One more thing, you may want to drop your bench to a decline as I did, it helped and I can do it without the shoulder "bitching", in my case it is the left one (teres minor). YOur case may be different but play around with the angle till you feel right!

I have decided and now I am extending the 5's (haven't been a very good boy as I sometimes only work out twice p/week but am going as heavy as i can and it seems to be just dandy)!

OK with some exercises when I don't have help i have to do the best I can so...I reduce the tempo, the load has to be less for safety's sake (bench for example), on squats though I am progressing and it is showing!

That is it! You have to give up on the shoulder work (direct) until things get better
(Fausto @ Aug. 12 2006,11:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I am assuming you have read &quot;Eric Cressey's Cracking the rotator cuff conumdrum&quot; if not do so as it worth it!  
Yeah, thats the one, I saw that article recommended here many times, so I found it and read it.  I never really understood the shoulder as well as I do now.  In fact, I read the article about 5 times, and plan on reading it over every few weeks

I hate giving up shoulder work, as shoulders is one of my favorite muscle groups, I think they look even more impressive than chest.  But you have to do whats right I suppose.
I broke my arm where it goes into the shoulder joint in two places several years ago flying off a nasty horse. I couldn't get my painless range of motion back until I started using a sling with magnets in it. The next day my ROM was doubled! Do they work for everyone? I dunno. I was so amazed I ordered a magnet filled mattress cover. The first day after using it, my wife, who had pain everyday upon arising from bed, got right up with no back pain...and it never returned. Do they really work? I dunno but magnets sure helped my wife and I. By the way, the only magnets I trust for therapy are Nikken magnets. You pay more but most of the others are crap.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">until I started using a sling with magnets in it. The next day my ROM was doubled!</div>

Seen them advertised before, worth a try if they worked! Ther sure is a lot of testimonies, hey but this one (O &amp; G) is not from a magazine and can be trusted!
Tradnyx: I've been upping the weight on my full laterals a bit too quickly lately and pushing close to failure a lot and now I'm starting to feel the ol' motocross pains. Thanks for the idea for rehab. I'll do it if it gets worse, or cut back to shoulder height laterals instead.
Tradnyx, that sounds about like what happened to me earlier this year. I did a cycle the way you have planned and things seem okay. I find that it helps to stick to DBs now for shoulder work, though I like to do Military Presses with a BB still.
I have always loved Barbell work, but they have caused me much pain in the past. My last HST cycle, I ditched the BB for the DB's, and my results were great! Never really thought DB's could work as good, if not better, than BB.

Thats what pisses me off about my shoulders this time. I avoided the bar, which is what usually gave me pain, but this time, I did too many sets too often, and just burned the joint up.

Its approaching 2 weeks now, and they are getting better however. Itchin to get back into the gym, still want to hit the shoulders HARD, gonna have to force myself to do the smart thing though..