HST and Skeptics


New Member
As with any program, there are some who think that HST is a bunch of crazy smoke and mirrors. Here is one comment I received when I told a forum which work I am doing:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">OK now for the specific training principle. No good. There is not enough involvement and variety in the workout to hit every peak of the muscle. The concept is fine for an endurance athlete to mix with sport specific training, but for bodybuilding its a joke. And the tall tale about the German champion doing it, is silly. I don't know of one top bodybuilder who has trained that way with getting any results ever. And i have quite a few friends who are top level athletes, and believe me i have had to train alot harder than those routines to get where i am. i wish i could just do little routines like these and get results but nope, not on this planet.</div>

What do you state to those who are naysayers besides giving them the HST site and avoiding arguments?
There will always be naysayers, and the world still goes round!

Anyone who has not tried HST before and has such comments does not deserve my attention and should not get yours either!
Bishop, don't worry about it..... somebody said &quot;the great truths of life are only known by those who are prepared to know them&quot;..... in fact, that a legion of people thinks like that ??.... good.......let's put it this way, in an egocentristic way..... the less they believe in it the fewer guys getting ripped that quickly, he he he
&quot;hit every peak of the muscle&quot;

&quot;involvement and variety&quot;


This guy is too much of an idiot to warrant a response. Maybe he should go learn the basics of anatomy and how muscles work before he tries to critique any sort of training program.

You know, maybe the reason he's had to work so hard for his gains is because he's been training like a retard his whole life.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">he's been training like a retard his whole life.</div>

Need I add to this?
I know what you mean. Its hard when the personal trainer in your gym who is ripped and cut and really built looks at you crazy when you tell him your routine and advise him that he is overtraining.

He say what do you mean I am overtraining I only do 32 sets a week for chest and I look great?

You know looks dont always = brains...but its hard to educate the uneducated b/c they normally go by looks
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You know, maybe the reason he's had to work so hard for his gains is because he's been training like a retard his whole life.</div>

That's funny as sh*t. Thanks for the laugh.

I look around at the people in the gym and I am amazed at the way people overtrain. I was one of them so I shouldn't be too surprised I guess. I feel so enlighteneed since finding the HST principles and this site.

Thanks for having me!

I don't talk too much in the gym. It just slows me down. I think a few people were starting to wonder what in the world I have been doing. They will really be confused after not seeing me for about 14 days and I magically start with my 15s and the ultra light weights.

Another note that just cracks me up too. I love blasting my entire body in the time most people are banging away at one body part.

I know what you mean. I get these looks sometimes like you just worked your entire body yesterday and you are back in here again today?

People think I dont know what I am doing...and like them I use to would of agreed with them...but the more research you do throws theory out the window.
Yeh I know what you mean, I tell my friends to do HST and some of them dont understand;

- You'v finished already? you could have done 3 more reps!!
- Don't you need to sculpt the muscle?
- Your not doing any iso's?
(If I am doing iso's) - Only one exercise?
- You dont take glutamine?
- Yeh, that workout is good for bulking but for cutting?
- Why are you so concerned about your PRE workout shake?
- Only one chest exercise?
( heavy flat bench or dips as opposed to decline, incline and fly's)
- Arnie didn't train that way, you have to do high volume to get big!
( I admire arnie tremendously but 1 he was on steroids 2 he had awesome genetics 3 he didnt have a clue and 4 HE WAS ON STEROIDS!!!!
- Train the muscle 'from every angle'
- I have a friend who took brand X protein and he got big, Im going to buy it!
- Where are your ab exercises? You cant get a six pack without them!
- Squats and deads in the same day?
- Everyone knows 8-12 reps get you big!! 15's Ha there for endurance and 5's are purely neural!!!!

Its frustrating sometimes but I always patiently explain the truth, some people wont except it though.
There is one guy in my gym who does nothing but curls. nothing but arm work and one or two sets of half assed benches. I spoke to him a little bit and tried to clue him in. no good. then I watched him do some sort of stupid arm curls with 50lbs. Then I did 2 sets of 5 x 125 lbs, laughed at him and walked away.

2 days later after hurting his lower back from swinging the curls he came running to me and asked about HST....

There is hope even for retards.
When you are talking to them and they get that glassy, glazed over look in their eye, you might as well just walk away, as you did, save your oxygen for your workouts.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">&quot;i have had to train a lot harder than those routines to get where i am. i wish i could just do little routines like these and get results but nope, not on this planet&quot; </div>
(Totentanz @ Apr. 24 2006,13:30)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">You know, maybe the reason he's had to work so hard for his gains is because he's been training like a retard his whole life.</div>
Tot that is really funny!
The fact that some folks can say things like that just goes to show that they have no idea about HST or how much you can tailor it to your own requirements.

I still feel like a pretty small guy compared to some of the folks at my gym, but after only 6 months of HST I am playing catch-up (at least with those who are not juicing). I think once you can squat with 8 plates (proper squats too - none of this bend-your-legs-slightly-and-stand-up-again nonsense I see all too often) it garners a certain amount of respect among the gym fraternity and then any advice you might offer is more readily received. I should get there over the next few years if I continue to bust my butt and eat like a horse. Until then I am saying nada!

The truth is, building muscle is not fast however you go about it (drugs excluded) but if you use your head and follow HST principles in your training and get your eating right you will make the best progress possible. Sadly, there may be young trainers who turn to drugs because of taking ill-informed advice from people like the guy quoted above.
Yeh def I used to bust my but with 5 or six sets of extreme failure bench press and got nowhere. Its a lot better now!
I don't doubt that other training schemes make you grow.... the only training scheme that does not make you grow is the remote control on your right hand and your bag of potato chip on your left one.... the thing is that perhaps HST is more efficient and joint/ligaments friendly... honestly, I don't care about what the huge and bodybuilding competition winning trainer in my gym says.... after all, he is also rubbing his muscles with flax seed oil, he he he.... I have never seen him doing squat !!!.... can you believe that ??..... by the way, at the gym where I go, I am the only one who does squat regularly..... I even asked once (and I promise I will never do it again) a group of guys why they never do it .... the answer ??...... it was too hard !!!!...... promising future !!!
(style @ Apr. 24 2006,10:29)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">- Arnie didn't train that way, you have to do high volume to get big!
( I admire arnie tremendously but 1 he was on steroids 2 he had awesome genetics 3 he didnt have a clue and 4 HE WAS ON STEROIDS!!!!</div>
I agree Arnold used steroids, but no way he didn't have a clue about how to train.

Arnold was a competitive powerlifter and deadlifted 616 pounds at age 19 in competition. Arnold may not be considered strong by some standards, but he knew (steroids or not) to get big, you have to lift big. Franco Columbo out deadlifted Arnold and he weighed almost a hundred pounds less.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Franco Columbo out deadlifted Arnold and he weighed almost a hundred pounds less.</div>

Now that was one hell of a guy, Dr. Columbo
(drpierredebs @ Apr. 24 2006,18:22)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">There is one guy in my gym who does nothing but curls. nothing but arm work and one or two sets of half assed benches. I spoke to him a little bit and tried to clue him in. no good. then I watched him do some sort of stupid arm curls with 50lbs. Then I did 2 sets of 5 x 125 lbs, laughed at him and walked away.

2 days later after hurting his lower back from swinging the curls he came running to me and asked about HST....

There is hope even for retards.</div>
yes he is known in england as BIG DAVE McBIG
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I agree Arnold used steroids, but no way he didn't have a clue about how to train.

Arnold was a competitive powerlifter and deadlifted 616 pounds at age 19 in competition. Arnold may not be considered strong by some standards, but he knew (steroids or not) to get big, you have to lift big. Franco Columbo out deadlifted Arnold and he weighed almost a hundred pounds less</div>

maybe he knew what he was doing powerlifting wise but his bbuilding theory was a bunch of crap.
Someone from HST should arrange a meeting with the govenor of California and get him to promote HST. It would become the most popular workout in the world over night.