HST and X-Reps?


New Member
My first post!  I've been following HST principles for over a year now and have seen good results.  I'm in the process of reexamining my workout and have read some about x-reps (adding power partials at the end of a set, the idea being I think that stretch partials work and split different muscle fibers).  Does anyone have experience or opinions about this?  Any ideas for integrating this into an HST workout?  Unfortunately, I haven't actually seen entire workout plans with x-reps.  Any advice or experience would be appreciated!
Hi bdcline !

I don't think powers partial will be useful !

IMO , I think the principle methods of HST are really sufficient ! I don't know you're results in 1 year of HST but if there are good as you say , you shouldn't add power partials.

Nevertheless it's my opinion !