HST as cardio


New Member
I have noticed something I think is kinda cool. Sometimes after lifting I jump on the eliptical for 10 min or so to loosen up my back. It has a pulse rate thing on it and I always notice it is pretty high (155bpm) and it actually goes down after a couple min on the machine.

So it got me thinking, if you rest no more then 60-90sec between sets and keep up that pace, HST becomes a pretty good cardio program all by itself....................
want cardio ? Just do Javorek complexes or Tabatas at the end of every workout. (if you train every other day!)
Yep, supersetting has a cardiovascular sort of effect for me. I do triple supersets lately. First I do a set of squats, then head into incline bench immediately. After bench, I do bentover rows. Keep in mind this is during the 15s and part of the 10s only. Once it gets heavy, I can't do much of anything for a minute or two after squats and rows.

The first few times I did this, I wanted to puke afterward and I had felt as though I ran several miles without stopping. Now I don't get that feeling anymore, so I'm assuming there were some cardiovascular adaptations there.