HST & ASS, Weightmanagement


New Member
Hello everyone!

(Sorry for my bad english, I'm from Germany, and my last englishlessen is a few years ago ;-) )

So I', doing now HST without AAS for a long time and i've gained very well.
But now it's time for a lillte bit testosterone.
I've been reading the FAQ and there are a few questions left:

On natural way, you work with your 75%, 80%... of your max RM for the specific Repetition.
After the SD, you start a new cycle oft hst and your weights will start again with 75% of your new RM!

But how does it work with AAS?

does it work like this? :
-I set my max RM
-The hst-cycle starts with this weight
-during the cycle, i rise up my weight (perhaps train unitl positiv failure)
-then, after ending my hst cycle --> no SD
-I do start a new cycle, but with the weigth, i have been ending the last (micro)-cycle

for example: before the cycle, i find out, that my maximum weigth for 10reps Benchpress is 120kg
-->then, during the next 2-3 weeks of 10reps, I start with 120kg and rise it up as much as possible), for example up to 127kg
-->then comes the 5reps cycle...
--> after ending the hst cycle I start a new HST cycle
-->time for 10reps again --> I start with the weight i have ended the 10reps cycle --> 127kg

Is this right?

In Germany the forum for hst is more than bad...
What is your cycle going to be? Test E? What dosage? How long of a cycle are you planning to run?

For those using injectables for long cycles, HST will work about the same with a few exceptions - no SD, it's not needed on AAS - you will use more volume than you would normally.
thanks! i will use testo e 500mg e5d.
Ok got it. but when i sart a new cycle, my weight will fall down again, so not like discribed at the top, right?
You would want to retest your maxes or else just add a bit to each one before you restart. Also, since you will be using AAS, I would recommend starting at 80% of each RM.

Have you considered kicking your cycle off with dbol for 2-3 weeks?