HST Beginners Routine


New Member

I have a question regarding HST, I have been reading about it in bodybuilding.com and then stumbled into HSN and well in the forum. But I have a lot of questions regarding what routine to start off with since I am a beginner with HST, I have read what HST is and how it works and I find it interesting but just don't understand what type of routine to follow the reps and days etc...

For example from what I read I am suppose to get between 8 to 12 exercises and do 15 repetitions one time then 10 repetitions twice and then 5 repetitions three times, incrementing the weight from 15 reps to 10 reps then to 5 reps. Am I correct in this for example 15 pound for the 15 reps, then 20 pounds for the 10 reps and then 25 pounds for the 5 reps. I think I might be wrong in these I would really like your input because I wouldn't want to start the HST incorrect.

Now a Routine I was thinking about is the following:

20 minutes of Cardio in the Treadmill
Abdominal Crunches three sets of 60

Then free weights Dumbells

Quads - Squat or lunges
Hamstring - Stiff legged Deadlift
Chest - incline Bench Press (upper chest is my target)
Shoulders - Lateral Raises
Lats - Bent Rows
Bicep - Curls
Tricep - Tricep Extensions or Skull Crushers
Calf - Calf Raises
Trapezius - Shoulder Shrugs
Back - Single Arm Dumbbell Rows
Forearm - Dumbbell Wrist Flipper

I would repeat this Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and can I do some Cardio Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday around 20 min and some abdominal.

Now would the routine always stay the same or can I change it from week to week cause I saw that people had two routines A and B, interchanging on Monday A, Wednesday B, Friday A.

After I work out for 8 weeks more or less it says that it is recommended but not obligatory to do a week of negative which I also do not know what these exercises would be if you can please point them out.

Then I would have to rest for a week and then continue again with the 8 week routine.

If you can please help me out in understanding if the routine is correct, the repetitions and how they are suppose to be laid out because I don't know how they suppose to be and any information regarding what to do after the routine finishes I greatly appreciate your help.
Welcome Jerry!

Have a read of the Simplify and Win thread. Link in my footer.
Not quite clear though

I read Simplify and Win and understood that it should be instead of more types of exercises to just concentrate on 8 to 12 maximum exercises to not fatigue the mind and body. You had stated that it should be 15 repetitions for one time then 10 repetitions twice and then 5 repetitions three times incrementing the weight from one set of rep to another for example 15 pounds for 15 reps, then 20 pound for 10 reps twice, then 25 pounds for 5 reps three times is that right? So for each exercise I will do 15x1/10x2/5x3 Monday Wednesday and Friday?

On the days off such as Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I may do cardio abdominals and some arms, forearms and calves, is this right?

Now I also understood that the routine may be changed targeting the same muscles but different exercises so that the muscle won't adapt to the weight and routine.

What I still don't get is how long do I stay with the routine (15, 10, 5) for how many weeks before changing it to only reps of 5 then the negative and the week off. In other words how many weeks before I go to only 5 repetitions three times and then the week off.

I hope I understood the forum if not please clarify so I may stick to the program and see results I greatly appreciate it.
I read Simplify and Win and understood that it should be instead of more types of exercises to just concentrate on 8 to 12 maximum exercises to not fatigue the mind and body. You had stated that it should be 15 repetitions for one time then 10 repetitions twice and then 5 repetitions three times incrementing the weight from one set of rep to another for example 15 pounds for 15 reps, then 20 pound for 10 reps twice, then 25 pounds for 5 reps three times is that right? So for each exercise I will do 15x1/10x2/5x3 Monday Wednesday and Friday?

On the days off such as Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays I may do cardio abdominals and some arms, forearms and calves, is this right?

Now I also understood that the routine may be changed targeting the same muscles but different exercises so that the muscle won't adapt to the weight and routine.

What I still don't get is how long do I stay with the routine (15, 10, 5) for how many weeks before changing it to only reps of 5 then the negative and the week off. In other words how many weeks before I go to only 5 repetitions three times and then the week off.

I hope I understood the forum if not please clarify so I may stick to the program and see results I greatly appreciate it.

Assuming you are training 3 x weekly full-body (you could use a split) then for each exercise you chose to use, do this:

Cycle is divided into four, two-week mesocycles (6 workouts each):

15s: start with 75% of your 15RM; add 5% each workout (rounding the load to a practical number); if you are only doing a handful of exercises do 2 sets of each.

10s: start with 75% of your 10RM; add 5% each workout (rounding the load to a practical number); if you are only doing a handful of exercises do 2-3 sets of each.

5s: start with 75% of your 5RM; add 5% each workout (rounding the load to a practical number); if you are only doing a handful of exercises do 3-6 sets of each (cluster reps as necessary, to avoid failure and excessive fatigue accumulation, as you approach the 5RM workout).

Post-5s: things get a little different here. Here are a few ideas for what you can do:

(a) Continue with your 5RM loads for a further couple of weeks, incrementing the load if you feel able to do so; if you are only doing a handful of exercises do 3-6 sets of each, or...

(b) Switch to triples and use your 5RM loads for a week before incrementing again for the final week; if you are only doing a handful of exercises do 3-5 sets of triples, or...

(c) Perform negatives for any exercises that can be performed in eccentric fashion without risk of injury; eccentric sets should be performed using loads that exceed your 5RM (3RM is a good place to start); if you are only doing a handful of exercises do 3-5 sets of 5 eccentrics (see HST FAQs on eccentrics for more info), or...

(d) Combine any of the above options to create your own post-5s setup. The main thing is to keep the loads high (5RM or greater) over the course of the final two weeks.

NB: For the 5s and Post-5s you should also add a high-rep set of an exercise once you have finished the heavy sets. One set per body part should do it. You want to get a good burn in the muscle(s) being worked during this set (just like you did during 15s); the burn set should be light enough to allow you to do 10-15 reps but not so light that you can recover and it becomes aerobic.

Hope that helps.