HST & Boxing


New Member
Hi everyone,

Its been a long time since ive been here, i really had some good results with HST and after taking a long break from the gym im not ready to get active again... Only this time I decided to try taking boxing courses, I wanted to try something new and that would be more of a sport than "just" lifting weight, dont get me wrong, bodybuilding is very demanding but, I dont find it that much fun, to me its more of a mean to an end ( getting big )

So basically, I need some advices, boxing classes are available everyday, i thought i should go 2 or 3 times per week, and since there is a gym there I though that i could perhaps add some weight lifting after my course ( or it could be before, but then id have to leave work early, so i cant do it all the time )

Is it possible at all to grow while doing boxing ? I mean boxing is a lot of cardio, this means i need to really eat tons of food... is Hst going to work with boxing ? or should I just lift heavy weights... what muscles should I workout the most to improve my skills at boxing... any specific areas ? I am guessing every part of the arms ?

Thanks for your advices !
Louno if you have read the main article on this website on the principles of muscle growth i think you would know the answer to your own question...

I haven't done boxing myself but in my opinion it will hinder your ability to build the heavily involved muscles in boxing, like your triceps and front delts for example, because you wont be able to train them as frequently! ill keep it simple thats prob the main reason, as your boxing muscles (triceps and delts) will be fatgued from your boxing workouts...also if your cardio is high intensity this might hinder your ability to train frequently and consistently increase the load for your legs...

hope this helps, although i'm sure someone on here has attempted to build muscle as well as box and they can give you more of an insight
I've read everything on the main website, and I understand that boxing + hst really isnt made to go together...

That being said, ive been able to follow hst before and gain mass while not gaining much or any fat at all, its much harder but its doable... In the same way im trying to see what could help me maximize the chances of me gaining weight while taking boxing courses...

I am sure this is possible, i mean, look at all those boxers, they somehow are able to control their weight while keeping a very good cardio and intense workouts...

would this work :
- take a protein bar then immediately
- go to the boxing course, the course is about 1h30
- After boxing I take a booster shake ( NO Shotgun, it has protein and some other stuff to make you more energetic, like redbulls but better + creatine etc )
- start my weight workout, up to 1 hour
- immediately take a protein shake
- eat a meal 45 min after protein shake
Just my opinion i think you should look at the bigger picture..i mean your nutrition around your workout is fine but there really is no need to that specific ie 45 mins after workout. You should concentrate on getting enough protein and calories every day taking into consideration your energy expenditure from your boxing workouts..after that you should try and train as often as possible on your muscle groups you want to build, but be aware of the fatigue induced by the boxing, this may limit the volume and frequency of your training, specifically to the muscle groups most involved in boxing (ie triceps and front delts)
Try boxing in the morning and lifting in the evening or vice-versa and take a day off between training days. This would resemble the AM/PM workout suggestion Bryan makes in the FAQs. You have one day off to recover/grow and there is enough time between boxing and lifting to minimize the impact one has in the other. Of course it is much more complicated time-wise to do things this way but then again if you want to box, lift, improve cardio, gain mass and not gain fat you must be willing to dedicate yourself to it.