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I was thinking of working out using every second week for growing and every second week for dieting - thus trying to shed some fat while at least keeping my muscle.

Anyone got any experience with this? I was thinking saturday-saturday on CKD, then carb up for two days and start the "hard week" of the HST on Monday - skipping cardio until I went back onto the CKD on Saturday morning.

i personally dont think your body will have a chance to get into a "state" of growth or cutting alternating that often.

i cant say ive tried it so if you feel the need go ahead, anythings possible.

its very difficult to do both effectively.you could diet or use cardio while dropping the volume making sure you keep the weights heavy to conserve strength, however i wouldnt expect much growth from this.
(tiwas @ Aug. 15 2007,12:43)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Hi,

I was thinking of working out using every second week for growing and every second week for dieting - thus trying to shed some fat while at least keeping my muscle.

Anyone got any experience with this? I was thinking saturday-saturday on CKD, then carb up for two days and start the &quot;hard week&quot; of the HST on Monday - skipping cardio until I went back onto the CKD on Saturday morning.

Everyone has a way, and they side step some of the greatest training...

If you do HST, and use short recovery intervals between reps and exercises you will boost your metabolism like you can't believe.  It won't happen in a week, possibly a month.  

Stay with it and it will.  Give the HST training a couple cycles.  Study the articles very carefully and read the fAQ on this boards. The articles will help you understand what is going on with your body. Proper amounts and quality of nutrition is also critical. I'm just discussing working out in this posting.

When I really wanted to whittle off the pounds I did HST full  body workouts everyother day 3 days a week. I used less than 1 minute interval between reps and no more than 3 minutes between exercises.

On the off workout days I did cardio walking for 1 hour on the treadmill.

If you want to really up the fat burn and pop your metabolism up like you can't believe do the HIIT training on the off workout days.

Here is a link:


The HIIT can really kick your A$$ so you want to make sure your ticker is in great health.


Now there is a plan... and it will work, and you'll be doing tried and proven training methods.

Good luck
From what I've read, you would have best results following the UD 2.0 to the letter -- meaning diet and workout plan.

I am messing around with using HST as a body recomposition plan, and I like what's happening so far. Basically, I am using the 15s as a cutting phase, week one of the 10s to taper calories up to a bulking plan for the rest of the cycle. The 15s, with high reps, short rests is a good interval training plan, plus cardio on off days really burns calories. You can just eat the maintenance calories you ate during SD.

Then, when you hit the 10s, the eating is awesome. You can almost feel yourself growing

I keep cardio going on off days throughout the cycle, trying to keep fat gain to a minimum.

Personal results coming in a week or two in my log...
I was going to point out e^pi's latest cycle, but he beat me to the punch. Your metabolism won't be a fan of the cut one week and bulk another schematics. E^pi's more lengthy version should prove to be the type of diet that you would want to utilize.
Yeah, it does sound a lott better! Guess I'll aim for 4 weeks of CKD, and then bulk (just a little) for the remainder of the cycle.

Thanks, guys!
I think it would be better if in the end of each bulk cycle, you continue with your 5's and cut untill you get to the bf% you wanna have. So lets say you do bulking cycle, and you get 1 more bf%, after 8 weeks of bulking, you continue your cycle with your 5's, and cut untill you lose this 1% of bf.
This is only my opinion.
(Avi1985 @ Aug. 15 2007,17:08)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I think it would be better if in the end of each bulk cycle, you continue with your 5's and cut untill you get to the bf% you wanna have. So lets say you do  bulking cycle, and you get 1 more bf%, after 8 weeks of bulking, you continue your cycle with your 5's, and cut untill you lose this 1% of bf.
This is only my opinion.</div>
I've contemplated this too. I like my idea -- because it's mine
. But I think this one has real merit. Or, instead of extending the 5s, do a Mon - 15s, Wed - 10s, Friday - 5s. The times that I have done this, some of my rms in those ranges went up. Don't know if it was just me, or if the CNS likes this type of lifting scheme.
I think some sort of bulk/cut cycle is an excellent idea. I am getting abs a little late now for summer but I dont want to see them go...ever.

I think etothepii results in his log in a week should be eye opening.

So instead of extending the 5's and doing 15, 10, 5's each week would this be your rep maxes plus whatever more you can lift?

I am going to start a new cycle in September and would like to adopt a similar eating technique.

I am not out to weight 200lbs. I just need to build some more mass on my arms and chest. Everything else has been filling out nicely on hst during my past cycles. My first few hst cycles I wasn't eating enough though so I am only about 12lbs heavier now than I was when I started but I am at same body fat% as Ive cut down this summer with cardio.