HST - Cutting . Need Advice


New Member
Hey guys im not new to HST ive done nearly 4 cycles now ( currently finnishing of my 4th ) ive gained quite abit of muscle mass from it .

Started at 65 KG now at 82 KG ( 180 LBS ) and about 16% BF

I wanted to do a cut after this cycle but was just wondering should I SD or not because I herd from many people that while cutting i should be using the same heavy weights as my bulking session, but if I SD it would be really difficult to start off onto my max's right away due to little strength loss.

Also I was thinking of this setup >

Monday - 15 RM + Cardio HIIT

Wednesday - 10 RM + Cardio HIIT

Friday - 5 RM + Cardio HIIT

all workouts would be close to my rep max if not rep max, just to make sure the muscle don't start easing off while im cutting and i loss more mass than i want to.

I would be keeping my diet ( - the junk food ) the same because while bulking i never did any cardio with it but now i would do the HIIT 3 x a week.

any advice would be nice - as this is my first ever cutting session - ive never done one before .........