HST Cycle Number 4 - Need Advice - Plz


New Member
Hi everyone i've been working out for nearly 6 months now and 4 of those months belong to HST.

I understand the HST principle fairly well and am really glad i found this in google search :) 4 months ago.

Now my first cycle was kinda trail and error as i picked to many exercises which got really tough towards the 5's week.

HST cycle 2 was fairly good i gained a fair bit of muscle went from 68 KG to 70 KG

HST Cycle 3 was my fav as I used the keeping it simple method in the sticky threads which worked wonders, went from 69 KG to now sitting at 75 KG with i say around 14 % Body fat. ( winter now so don't really care about fat - i will shred that come summer ) at the moment my goal is 85 KG and 14% - 18% Body Fat within the next 5 months - I will work my ass off to get that.

In HST Cycle 3 these were my workouts -


Bodyweight - Pull Ups 1 set of 10
Bodyweight - Dips 1 set of 10
Bodyweight - Pushups 1 set of 20

Main workout

Squats ( Legs + many others )

Deadlifts ( Back + many others )

Slight Incline Dumbell Press ( Chest )

Push and Press ( Shoulders )

Ez Bar Curls ( Biceps )

2 Hand Dumbell Extensions ( Triceps )

Sometimes finnish with a few more dips and pull ups and weighted pushups :)

My routine looked like this
( Skipped the First weeks of light weights )
Weeks 1 - 12 ( 2 Sets )
Week 2 - 10 ( 2 Sets )
Week 3 - 8 ( 3 Sets )
Week 4 - 6 ( 3 sets )
Week 5 - 4 ( 3 sets )
Week 6 - 4 ( increasing weight when i felt i could )
Week 7 and Week 8 - same as week 6

Now what would you guys suggest i should change in my routine or keep it the same ?

Also need advice on exercises - keeping in mind I will still be doing Squats and Deadlifts no matter what there my bread and butter :) was thinking of weighted dips and pullups - which i can get the right equipment for so i can hang plates from my body :)

Any advice or critique would be appreciated - Thank You
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First off if what you did in cycle 3 worked then I wouldn’t drop anything from it just for change sake. I would consider adding a few exercises to balance things out a little better. I would add a rowing movement done at a slight incline. That will hit your Lats more directly which aren’t getting an HST type workout with just your warm-ups and cool-downs and also hit your rear Delts (the reason for the incline). I’d also add in Barbell Shrugs. Your Traps are very large and while Deadlifts hit them for thickness Shrugs develop their height more. I’d also add in something for your Middle Delts like Lateral Raises or Upright Rows to balance out your shoulder development. Also note that big Traps and wider Shoulders will make you look bigger with or without a shirt. Also adding in a Calf exercises might also be worthwhile especially if you do Barbell Shrugs since you can just work them in together.

If this works out to too many exercises you might consider alternating between Squats and Deadlifts and just start going heavier on them.
"Also adding in a Calf exercises might also be worthwhile especially if you do Barbell Shrugs since you can just work them in together. "

Yup, I often pair these up. I used to do mine in a Shirley Machine. I liked to use the same weight for shrugs and calf raises as I used for my deadlifts. Although not in my current routine, I have had a lot of luck using this method.

I usually rely on squats, deads, chins, dips, bench, and row. Occasionally I'll throw in some "beach muscle" work (for biceps and triceps), but I drop them out if my workouts start going too long.

im not really sure what u mean by caif and shrugs together ? u mean do barbal shrug then followed by caif raise with same weight ?

and yeah ill add in upright rows into my routine ill take out tricep and biceps workout and add in weighted pull ups and weighted dips - ill outline my routine soon :P and post it here

might have to alternate squats and deadlifts tho
im not really sure what u mean by caif and shrugs together ? u mean do barbal shrug then followed by caif raise with same weight ?

Yes I mean supper-setting BB Calf Raises and BB Shrugs. They don’t have to be exactly the same weight but both lifts should be up there pretty high making it easy to change up quickly.
Thanks alot for all ur advice guys - with all your help i came up with this routine :

In Order >

Weighted Chinups

Squats / Deadlift ( Monday and Friday Squats / Wednesday Deadlift )

Incline Dumbell Press

Standing Push and Press

Upright Rows

Weighted Dips

Barbell Shrugs and Caif Raise Super Set

what you think guys its ok? should i add anything else or change something ?
I would consider adding in some sort of horizontal row, BB Row, DB Row, Cable Row etc. . . . A general rule is that your pulling work should at least if not exceed your pushing work. My preference here is Supported DB Rows for the greater range of motion, easy on the lower back and done with the body angled up slightly it also hits the rear delts something you’re not working much compared to the front delts right now.

Other than that I think you have a great mass building routine.
I agree with Grunt11 -- your set up looks pretty good. I also agree with adding dumbbell rows.

You might want to consider replacing your upright rows with some supported db rows. I'm not a great fan of upright rows; it's way too easy to screw up your shoulders with that exercise.

[Whoops! I just noticed that Grunt had suggested the upright rows. I suppose opinions may vary on some things...]
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sorry guys for newb question but how do you perform supported dumbell rows ?

can you guys go to this link and point out which exercise it is ...or tell me which 1 would be good to replace the upright rows or should i keep it and add in another for rear delts thank you


maybe this would be a good addition ? cable rope rear delt rows ?


thxs for the advice guys my SD is nearly over 3 days to go and back at the gym on monday starting with this routine

12 reps / 1 set
10 reps / 2 sets
8 reps / 2 sets
6 reps / 3 sets
4 reps / 3 sets
4 reps / 3 sets
and so on for total of 9 weeks hope to hit 80 KG in weight by the end of the 9 weeks routine - curently at 75 KG
Actually TR I usually don’t recommend Upright Rows normally but XORN is doing a great job sticking to compound exercises so I figured he might as well try them and see if they work for him. I myself don’t use them but not because of shoulder issues but because they murder my already sore forearm tendons. I am, however, in general agreement with you that one must be careful to do them properly. I believe when TOT was discussing his split routine he said that he uses them because they are actually easier on his shoulders than Presses.
ah yes those 1 hand dumbell rows are fairly easy to setup and perform but very effective - ill add them into my routine thanks alot for the great advice and help - i will get back in touch in 9 weeks time for my progress results :)

hope to be sitting at 80 kg :)

thxs grunt and tunnelrat :)