HST Cycle Number 5 - Slow Cut Need Advice


New Member
Hey guys,

Just finished my 4th cycle now and gained another 3kG in weight ( good mass on my chest :D ) now its time to start a slow cut process.

Im going to try this routine out >>>

Week 1 - 1 Sets / 18 Reps
Week 2 - 2 Sets / 16 Reps
Week 3 - 2 Sets / 14 Reps
Week 4 - 3 Sets / 12 Reps
Week 5 - 3 Sets / 10 Reps
Week 6 - 3 Sets / 8 Reps
.......and repeat week 6 for another few weeks till i get my Body Fat to about 12% - ( about 16 % - 18 % now )

The weights i will be using will be same as my previous cycle but now will be alot more reps so i will do some cluster reps to get the targets i want.
( previous cycle it was like 14 reps > 12 reps > 10 reps > 8 reps > 6 reps > 4 reps etc )

My diet will be more or less same ( more protein ) but now for the 1st time in like 8 months I will add in cardio into my workout - which will be 6 Min HIIT after every session.

These are the workouts ive chosen this time >

1 . Squats / Dead ( alternate )
2 . Inc Dumbell Press
3 . Push Press
4 . Weighted Dips
5 . Barbell Shrugs
6 . Bent-over rows
7 . Weighted Decline Crunches

6 Min HIIT Cardio ---- 1 Min Rest > 1 Min Full Speed > 1 Min Rest > 1 Min Full Speed > 1 Min Rest > 1 Min Full Speed

what do you guys think of this ? this will be first time I do a cut so all the advice would be appreciated.