HST First Cycle Help!


New Member
I tried HST 6 months ago but due to a busy schedule I was missing too many days, my diet was lacking to say that least and I pretty much gave up. I'm back to give it another shot and I had some questions I'm hoping you guys can answer to get me started.

How long should rest between sets be? Also, does it differ between each two week block of reps (15's to 10's)?

I know using different exercises for each body part is useful, but should I switch workout to workout. For example, would I be doing squats monday, leg press wednesday, and squats friday?

How much should I increase the weight from workout to workout? It seems like 10 pounds would be best for squats, bench, deadlift and such, while 5 pounds would be best for curls, dips, military, and other exercises where the maxes aren't very high.

How long should rest between sets be? Also, does it differ between each two week block of reps (15's to 10's)?
Not sure, that it matters much. anywhere between regaining your strenght and not getting cold/wasting time. I've read this to be somewhere between 1 and 3 minutes.
The 15's might be a litle different as the point is different. ("burn" rather than hypertrophy) Think the same "rule" would apply, though.

I know using different exercises for each body part is useful, but should I switch workout to workout. For example, would I be doing squats monday, leg press wednesday, and squats friday?
I don't think this is necessarily true. I'd recommend using "the best" excersize for any given bodypart and only replace it, if you find another to be better.
I think you should only do A/B splits, if you cannot fit you choise of lifts into one session.
This could be true for major compunds such as (only IMO) Squats and Deadlifts.

How much should I increase the weight from workout to workout? It seems like 10 pounds would be best for squats, bench, deadlift and such, while 5 pounds would be best for curls, dips, military, and other exercises where the maxes aren't very high.
It would be better to use a percentage of your RM. Anywhere between ~2 and 5%.
(Rounded to suit the equipment of course)
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