hst for cutting


New Member
I'm already considering my cutting period for the start of next year and wondering what changes I'll have to make if any to my standard HST routine.

Obviously cut calories and hit my macros, but should there be any changes to my standard routine 15's, 10's, 5's, 5RM's

I was hoping to fit HIIT cardio in on non training days and maybe some low intensity stuff on traininig days.

Would this be suitable for cutting and retaining the LBM I've gained whilst bulking?
Yeh I've read that too, because the light load and rep range isn't ideal for building muscle especially in calorie deficit. However the 15's do serve a purpose for HST, I think it's something to do with lactic acid build up in the muscle.

Also wouldn't it be difficult to extend the 5's if I'm already at my 5RM's at the end of week 4 unless I start out with really light weights for the 10's but that wouldn't be good for retaining muscle either.

I really enjoy the full body workout every other day and it fits perfectly in my day to day schedule as I am a shift worker.

I just need some proper direction on a set up of HST which lasts about 8 weeks and won't result in a loss of LBM, especially as intend to do lots of cardio also.
What is meant by extending the 5's is to continue your 5RM weights for another 6-12 sessions. Now, if you've gained strength during the 5's and can increase weight, by all means do so. But whenever you can't increase the load, maintain it for the remaining sessions.
Yeh I've read that too, because the light load and rep range isn't ideal for building muscle especially in calorie deficit. However the 15's do serve a purpose for HST, I think it's something to do with lactic acid build up in the muscle.

Also wouldn't it be difficult to extend the 5's if I'm already at my 5RM's at the end of week 4 unless I start out with really light weights for the 10's but that wouldn't be good for retaining muscle either.

I really enjoy the full body workout every other day and it fits perfectly in my day to day schedule as I am a shift worker.

I just need some proper direction on a set up of HST which lasts about 8 weeks and won't result in a loss of LBM, especially as intend to do lots of cardio also.

15's are primarily for tendon repair. A successful cut doesn't have to include altering your training in terms of structure. All you will need to do is monitor the volume of the workouts as recovery is allot slower during a cut. So listen to your body and stay away from fatigue. Thats it.. well aside from the obvious "get enough rest" and "have a perfect diet" that is about 10-20% below your maintenance. So don't just schedule to do cardio on A, B and C days. Listen to your body and if your able to include cardio then do it (if you want to). Contrary to popular belief, cardio isn't even needed for cutting. It's simply just another method to further reduce your calories. So if your eating the right amount of calories and macro setup then cardio serves as a means to fatigue yourself for no reason. When realistically it could be energy spent on increasing your volume during your workouts which to me is more beneficial.

Cardio is great for your lungs and heart, but if your doing it just to burn calories then its not the smartest option imo.
I'm sure cardio can aid in a cut, as it can increase you metabolic rate and burn stored fat when operating at a calorific deficit.

I actually also like cardio, especially cycling, running, and boxing. I want to fit these things in between training days to get my fitness levels up whilst at least maintaining LBM.

I've not been doing much cardio since starting my second cycle of HST and the gains are showing but I feel like I've probably lost some endurance.

My aim will be to partake in some heavy HIIT and circuit training to get fitter and loose body fat.

I really needed to know if HST will be most suitable type of weights work to prevent me loosing LBM over the duration of my cut.