HST for fat loss? Critique my routine..


New Member
Hey all,

I started a new HST routine last week after doing 8 weeks on a 4-day a week bodypart split routine. I just never felt the same burn as I did doing full body routines. I did an HST cycle back in April this year and I had great results with it, I'm not really sure why I switched from it.

Squats 15x2
Shrugs 15x2
Standing Calf lifts 15x2
Deadlift 10x2
Bench Press 15x2
Pullups (assisted) 15x2
Dips 15x2
DB Row 15x2

Then I'll do 10x2 on all the excercises, maybe drop my DLs down to 8x2. And then finally 5x3 for all excercises.

I realize that it's a lot of excercises, but I'm trying to lose weight still, and doing a lot of excercises in one sitting, while keeping my rest between sets at 60 seconds whips my butt.

I'm thinking of getting rid of the shrugs since I'm doing deads, and those seem to hit my traps pretty well. I should probably replace them with some form of shoulder press.

Let me know what you think. Feel free to tell me the whole things crap and I should start over from scratch. I've been lifting for about 9 months, so still a relative newbie.

I've lost about 100lbs over the last year plus, and haven't done any cardio in the last 7 months. I burned myself out doing HIIT everyday for 3+ months. I know I need to pick it back up again, my mind just keeps telling me not to. *sigh*

Thanks for the help!

Hello and welcome.

Select a program that will be used both for bulk and cut. If it works for bulk, it should work for cut just as well. Unless you intend to use that time in the gym to burn more calories. Your exercise selection appears to be good for whole body stimulation and I think you should do OH press instead of shrugs. I think 2x15 on all exercises is too much for 3 times per week but if you can do it, go ahead. Make no exception of the deadlift, do 15-10-5 just like any other exercise. If at some point you feel it's too much for your lower back, alternate between the deadlift and the squat. If you do cardio work, do it on off days.

HST (hypertrophy specific training) as the name implies, is intended for growth specifically. It does that by increasing frequency, reducing volume, using compound movements and strategic deconditioning. Therefore it is recommended to read about those parameters and understand how they all fit together to stimulate growth.

Forgot to add: Get a second opinion.