HST for Mass and Strength


New Member
I am an intermediate lifter. I have run Rippetoe and I'm currently running a 5 x 5. This is my plan for after the 5 x 5. I have never run a HST program before.

M - 1x15 80% (of 15RM)
W - 1x15 85%
F - 1x15 90%
M - 1x15 95%
W - 1x15 100%
F - 1x15 105%

M - 2x10 80%
W - 2x10 85%
F - 2x10 90%
M - 1x10 95%
W - 1x10 100%
F - 1x10 105%

M - 3x5 80%
W - 3x5 85%
F - 2x5 90%
M - 2x5 95%
W - 1x5 100%
F - 1x5 105%

1) squat
2) bench press
3) sldl
4) calf raise
5) dips
6) pendlay rows
7) shrugs
8) barbell curl
9) standing military press

Any opinions?
why lower the sets at the end of the 10's and 5's?
if you can handle 2x10 reps at 90% then why drop to 1x10 at 95%? imo you get more growth out of heavy 10's and 5's so i usually do 2x10 and 3x5 for all wgts. i would think that after doing all the work to get to the second week of both the 10 & 5 your going to feel like 1 heavy set just isnt enough.

deads and chins are also exer to consider but since your and intermed. lifter im sure you already have a good idea of what works best for you.

good luck

The plan looks good, but bluejacket's got a point why drop indeed, you should only consider doing this on the second week of 5's if the weight's too heavy oir you are feeling too "pooped", else that volume is good for growth.

THe idea of digging into the next rep scheme by going 105% is not too bad and may just do something, although for an HST begginner I'd be somewhat skeptical.

Anyhoo - the rest looks pretty good, consider chins and deadlifts and of course Oly squats, then all looks good
Thanks for the responses!

My thought behind lowering the sets to only 1 is that if I am doing my 15 RM, 10 RM, and 5RM then I doubt I'll be able to do 2 sets of RMes.

If my 5RM for bench is 225 then I doubt I will be able to do one set of 225 for 5 reps and then follow that up with another set of 225 for 5 reps. I don't think I would get all of the reps in the 2nd set. Also, if I were to do 3 sets of 5 reps I think the workouts would take a lot of time to complete even if I only used 8 exercises. I would need a lot of time to rest in between sets when I hit the 95%, 100%, and 105% days. I have never run HST before, that is why I thought it would be best to lower the sets to 1 especially while doing RMes.
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">If my 5RM for bench is 225 then I doubt I will be able to do one set of 225 for 5 reps and then follow that up with another set of 225 for 5 reps. I don't think I would get all of the reps in the 2nd set.</div>

No biggie! Just cluster them your first set is the most important and oh, by the way, you're still theorizing...so try it and see and if it is so, then cluster the reps to get your target.

Remember we don't look at failure like others do...to us failure would be...slowing down in the rep or loss of form during the last reps, on the other hand most of us find that by the time you reach your two week target weight your strength has increased and that is no longer your RM.

Hope this helps.
agree with fausto its not complete muscle faliure its when you cant get the last rep out with the same form as the one before.
try doing more sets (especially as you have done 5x5 dc etc) and if you find it to difficult drop down.good luck
(Fausto @ Oct. 24 2006,04:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">No biggie! Just cluster them your first set is the most important and oh, by the way, you're still theorizing...so try it and see and if it is so, then cluster the reps to get your target.</div>
I'm in about the same boat as t-p-c, next week SD and following week I start. I'm just finishing up 5x5 as well.

When you say cluster reps, do you mean break a set up? IOW for a set of 5 you'd do 3 reps, rest, then 2 more reps? With total # of reps being the important part?
have you run the madcow linear version of 5x5 ?
whats better ?
5x5 with ramping up the weights ? or
5x5 with the same weight ?

i think the linear version would be better ??

thanx for answering brothers in iron
R_graz - yes, that is clustering.

Choco - I'm running a modified version of Madcow's 5x5 and yes, I ramp the weight.
I've always done better with 3x5 or 5x5 with the same weight. I hate ramping to only one top set.
Why waste energy with lighter weights? Even if I can't hit 5 with each set, I'll cluster the reps or do 5x3 to hit at least the target # of reps. I'll usually hit all 5x5 next workout.