HST Forums are screwed up


New Member
What is going on ?

First of all , i keep getting this error :

Ikonboard CGI Error Ikonboard has exited with the following error:

Can't find string terminator "'" anywhere before EOF

This error was reported at: /your/path/to/cgi-bin/ib314/Data/Stats.pm line 16, line 64.

Please note that your 'real' paths have been removed to protect your information.

this on IE and Firefox, this happens when i try to access the forums

Also, I always get another error when posting, error 500 or something... Its kinda annoying, especially when it keeps me from going in the forums...
Well, I sent emails to 4 addresses so far, 3 returned as invalid. Only the Bryan@ address ahs not kick back (so far).
This is weird, why are his emials now INVALID.?

Recipient: <admin@hypertrophy-specific.com>
Reason: <admin@hypertrophy-specific.com>: invalid address

Recipient: <success@hypertrophy-specific.com>
Reason: <success@hypertrophy-specific.com>: invalid address

Recipient: <orders@hypertrophy-specific.com>
Reason: <orders@hypertrophy-specific.com>: invalid address
I haven't heard a peep but then why would I?

It would be great to know if it's being attended to. It can't have gone unnoticed. I would have thought that there would have been a post somewher on the forum by now to let us all know what's going on.

I have just been experimenting with phpBB for a client. It has loads of support and seems to be at least as good as Ikonboard's efforts. It's an Open Source project and links to most of the common database servers (I'm using MySQL and it works great with that). Maybe, Bryan will switch the forum to phpBB in view of all the recent problems with Ikonboard?

Whatever is decided I hope it gets sorted soon. I miss my daily dose of HST hints and tips.  
(Lol @ May 14 2006,08:16)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I haven't heard a peep but then why would I?

It would be great to know if it's being attended to. It can't have gone unnoticed. I would have thought that there would have been a post somewher on the forum by now to let us all know what's going on.

I have just been experimenting with phpBB for a client. It has loads of support and seems to be at least as good as Ikonboard's efforts. It's an Open Source project and links to most of the common database servers (I'm using MySQL and it works great with that). Maybe, Bryan will switch the forum to phpBB in view of all the recent problems with Ikonboard?

Whatever is decided I hope it gets sorted soon. I miss my daily dose of HST hints and tips.  
Bryan is aware and apparently got it fixed, he told me it was an Ikon issue.

LOL, good I know who to call on when I have phpBB issues at my forums
But phpBB does have it issues as well but I agree for the most part it's stable and features can be added pretty easily, sometimes.
Glad the boards are back up. I was beginnig to worry. I haven't made personal contact with anyone here so I didn't have anyone to contact. Just kept hitting refresh in hopes it would magically appear again.

  All is well again... well, all except the link to the forum once you are in the forum! Try it above. Old links die hard!

Dan: the thing that's most awkward about phpBB seems to be customising it to fit a specific website's look and design. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it after doing a few though. Yours works well on your max-stim site.

Argghhh! Just got a Server 500 error when I posted this!
Personally, I like SMF better than phpBB - way easier to customize the look, and most other customizations only take a couple mouse clicks.
Thanks Tot. I'll investigate. Incorporating an &quot;off the shelf&quot; forum into a site is not something I wanted to do. I'd rather code from scratch (or use my code) but if a client's budget is tight, I guess Open Source is the way to go.
(Bob Evans @ May 16 2006,11:05)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I did not realize how addicted I was to the forum untill it crashed!!!

Yup and it must have whacked it good, anyone notice the member stats since the crash, there's a whooping 7 members with 93 posts that a big dip from the 5000+ members before the HST crash of 06.