HST gripping in Portugal!


HST Expert
Hi All

Some time ago, I started communicating with Lupo (he just joined teh site the other day) who by the way had gone to the saem school as I did in Johannesburg!

Somehow after exchanging photos he found out that I "pump weights" and therefore we started activelly speking about training methods and so on...

Needless to say that I soon told him about HST and sent along some good reading, the guy who is obviously not new in the game...decided this was a fresh approach and gave it a go!

And look at the latest news:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Good news....at least three of the guys at my gym have already adopted the HST system...I told you...one of them actually told me (I felt pride and responsibility at the same time) that if their guru was doing it then they would also try it out.

You see I'm like their guide as I'm the only one with 38 years of age. They are all 25 and under.

So...this leaves me with the task of reading and absorbing every bit of information that I can on HST so that I will be able to transmit to them. Its great fun!

Time to give him all we got, he'll probably start communicating this week end and will start putting his feelers out!

HST Rocks!
Great stuff Fausto. I have found that folks only ask me what I'm doing when I'm in the 5s and shifting some heavier poundages. No one seems to notice how many reps you are doing.

I have explained HST to a few guys but it's not easy to do so when you are trying to focus on your w/o. I'm going to print out some sheets to take along with a brief description along with the website details so I can hand them out to all who enquire.

My guess is that, during the 5s, some are thinking along the lines of, 'Hey, two weeks ago that guy was lifting the same as me and now look at him! What the heck is he doing?&quot;
<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I have found that folks only ask me what I'm doing when I'm in the 5s and shifting some heavier poundages. No one seems to notice how many reps you are doing.

Funny you mention that. I hardly talk at when I am in the gym. I tried to get in and out in a timely manner. No one really noticed or said anything about what I have been doing until the other day. I finished up my 2 weeks of 5's and have been going up and up this week trying to get to my new 5 rep maxes. Guess the guy saw me using some decent weight on the bench and asked if I was training for a competition, lol. Seemed to think I was really concentrating on my bench press for some reason. Guess that was the only lift that stood out and didn't notice the deads, pull ups or dips?

He really will be confused when he doesn't see me for 11-12 days and then I magically show up pushing ultra light weights for my 15s.

On a side note, I always watch other people and what they are doing when I am resting. Got a kick out of these two guys the other day. We all get to the gym at the same time and basically hit the weight area at the same time. They hit the flat bench first and I hit the deads. I do my entire total body workout and leave. As I am leaving, they are still banging away at the bench press. Doing a ton of sets and working each set to failure too. I would have to guess they spend a good 40 minutes on the bench press. Then I hear them saying stuff like, I must really like this weight because I have been doing it for weeks now.

This HST is really some good stuff. I am hooked!

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE"> would have to guess they spend a good 40 minutes on the bench press. Then I hear them saying stuff like, I must really like this weight because I have been doing it for weeks now.</div>

Boy, do they need HST!