HST + IF - Full Body workouts or upper/lower splits?


New Member
Hi everyone, im about to start my 2nd cycle of HST. The 1st cycle I did full body workouts in conjunction with intermittent fasting. I was wondering if it would be more effective to do Upper 3 DAW and lower body 2 DAW? is this possible with HST? im trying to bring up lagging arms, my chest and back are big I wanna keep them growing but my arms need to catch up. my quads are also HUGE but my calves are tiny (its genetics I can calf raise almost the enitre machine lol). What routine should I do?

p/s/ im currently S.D' ing
Eventually you will reach a point where the volume you need to grow may not be doable in a full body workout so there is no problem doing a split if you need to. I did the same split you are talking about last cycle alternating between Deadlifts on Tuesday and Squats on Thursday sticking with 3 a week for upper body Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the same reasons you are contemplating it.

Another option if the time it takes to do your sessions is not a factor is to just stick with a M,W,F schedule but only include legs on the M and F workouts. that will still give your body at least one full day off between workouts. I did the 5 day routine because I use exercise a stress management on work days and because doing full body workouts using the volume I need would just take too long.
Thanks for the reply. I am going to be starting university (FSU) this year actually in one week! That said, Idk if ill be able to fit gym 5 DAW since I will also be doing jiu jitsu club probably on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I think I might just alternate between squats and SLDL's on mondays and fridays, wednesday legs off and keep Upper body constant all three days.
Splits are a good way of keeping the volume high.
I got my best gains, years ago, with an am/pm split, M/W/F

Now I just use a simplified whole body w/o once a day, M/W/F. But I increase the sets instead. ie; 2 X 15, 3 X 10, 5/6 X 5 to increase my volume.

I am gonna start this IF diet tomorrow, except that I will take a scoop of casein in the morning.

Regarding frequency, I think it depends also of the ability of your joints to recover, which is dependent on a number of factor, including your age.

What I am going to do to help the joints is to take 5g of glut every hour during the fasted state to produce growth hormone. Studies have shown that just 2g of glut on an empty stomach increases GH a lot. I hope it will help my joints and be anti-catabolic as well.