hst-ish my routine


New Member
hi there first post,been observing the site for a while now picking everyones brains and must admit im lovin it,my routine for the past 4 months has been roughly as follows......
m/w/f 1.5hrs each sat 1hr finishing off deads abs etc
my first week was 15s
second week 10s
third 5s
2xflat db
2xshoulder press db
2xlaterals,rears etc
2xdeads,rows etc
2xsquat press etc
3xany bicep excersise
3xany tricep excersise
as with all of the excersises i change each one everyday so i dont do the same one twice in a week.i rotate sometimes doing 5s on monday 10s wed and 15 fridays i never have time off only on holidays cos my job is constant very heavy lifting  so sd,s arent for me.i love the 15s i get a real kick from them,ive got more shape and size (4lb lean) in these last four months than i have had before been traing four years on and off(really on and off),as far as weight gos i was 75kgs when i started im 90kg now 12-15%ish body fat.i dont take anything not even creatine anymore so my gains arent excessive but better than ive had before, this routine has pushed me through weight platues/bordem and its just from learning and trying new things that led me here,so keep pumping iron.
comments would be welcome.
Hello lcars :)

As for your routine, well, for me as long as core lifts are there, it's ok no matter what other exercises you throw in.

There are just some things we have to clarify further in order for me and the rest of the poeple here to be able to give good advice.

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]i rotate sometimes doing 5s on monday 10s wed and 15 fridays

Do you really mean in one week? Like in one week you do 5's on a monday, then 10's on the next workout, then 15's on the workout after that?
If that's the case, my next question would be - do you still keep the load progression despite the rep scheme, or do you use the right load for that rep scheme. (For example, for the 5's, you did a 180 bench press, then on the next workout where you did 10's, you used a lighter weight of only 160 for the bench press, then on the 15's workout after that, only 120 pouinds) ?

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]i never have time off only on holidays cos my job is constant very heavy lifting so sd,s arent for me

If you don't SD, you'll be getting far slower gains. Even if your job is at UPS or a moving company and you carry furniture all day, you still have to SD. Just refrain from actually training with weights for a week or two (or the prescribed 7-12 days, whatever you like).

Regards, happy lifting! And congratulations on the good results you mentioned, that's great! :)
sorry about the delay,yes i do drop the weight as i go from 5s v/heavy to 10s then drop down a little lower for 15s although after the first couple of weeks my max weight in the 5s soon became my max weight in the 15s,im begining to plateau so i think its time to have the rest you were speaking of.
Hey :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]yes i do drop the weight as i go from 5s v/heavy to 10s then drop down a little lower for 15s

That's the opposite of what you should be doing. Start at the 15's (lighter wieght) then go up until you reach the 5RMs (heavy weights) after a few weeks.

And yeah, SD first. Take one or two weeks off from weight training.

That should do you more good. Regards :)