HST modification


New Member
lets say my 5rm squat is 300 lbs, i use 20 pound incs

can i do

260 280 300 260 280 300

instead of 200 220 240 260 280 300

i dont feel like im working out in the first week. this is for all exercises

this doesnt go against hst principles right?, cause ill im doing is zigzagging, there's still progressive overload
You could do that and it probably wouldn't be a problem.

A good rule of thumb is to start each mesocycle at 75% of your RM and then work up in steps of 5% to your RM.

So for your 5s with a 5RM of 300, you would use a progression like: 225, 240, 255, 270, 285, 300 over six workouts (adjust accordingly for more or fewer sessions).

The idea at the start of each mesocycle is to allow your CNS to fully recover from the previous RM workout so that by the time you get to the end of your mesocycle you aren't short on strength. During the final two weeks of post-5s you will be using heavy loads the whole time which can take its toll on joints and connective tissue.

Anyway, it won't really hurt to do what you suggest. However, if you find you can't manage a further two weeks with 300 (or more if you can push the loads up further) then maybe you should just stick with a more straightforward progression until you find what works best for you.

i was planning on doing the 5rm over on the 7th and 8th week, but i'd do only one set (not including warm up), id also try to do more reps with my 5rm..

i recover really fast by the way

I feel like i could do a full body workout everyday

240 260 280 260 280 300

be even better? i dont reach my xRM untill the last day, but still get high enough weight..

my 1RM is so much higher than my 5RM on everything.. does that mean im made of mostly fast twitch fiber?

when i was 15 and about 5 foot 1 i used to run a 100m in 10.68 seconds..

im 18 now and 5 inches taller, but im a bit slower, didnt work out all that time..
Hi Chanpalex

Although you could do that, why go back on a nice progression?

Rather repeat your weights for two sessions only, say do 260 260 280 280 300, the benefits wil lbe better.

And by the way if you aiming at getting faster, you have to change your squat somewhat, full squats slow you down, only quarter squats will work for sprinting and mostly during the strength phase. Quarter squats are done on a fairly high bench where you only really go down about a quarter of the way down, needles to say, your poundage can be a lot higher...watch your back though...some guys tend to0 relax their natural muscles belt when their butt hits the bench, its just touch and go!

Hope this helps!


And your 1 RM will always be higher after all it is a 1RM, not much fatigue to deal with, whereas 5RM deals with some level of fatigue, if you want to beat that you got to try max-stim, or blade's myoreps.
cool, thanks for the info on the squat, but my friends have 1rm that are lower than mine, but my 5rm is lower than theirs..
I see nothing wrong with that, 3RM might enable you to handle higher loads! Although I would not push the envelope too much!

i was planning on doing the 5rm over on the 7th and 8th week, but i'd do only one set (not including warm up), id also try to do more reps with my 5rm..

i recover really fast by the way

I feel like i could do a full body workout everyday

Only 1 set during 5s? That's ok if you have a bunch of different exercises per body part, but if you are only doing one leg exercise then I doubt you will be inducing much of a PS response with only one set. Think about a work progression over the cycle too. So if you have been doing 2 x 10 during 10s with loads that are not a lot less than what you are using during 5s, dropping down to a single set during 5s is almost quartering the work done. Of course, you have to balance volume with recovery ability, but you say you recover quickly so it might be worth trying an extra set or two. I tend to shoot for 20 total reps per exercise during 5s and only drop it down if I find I can't recover in time for the next session. I also tend to do only a handful of exercises per session.

Because 5s don't cause much metabolic stress, it's also a good idea to do a higher rep set at the end of the heavy stuff. Drop the load by 25-30% after your final heavy set and then after a brief rest do a set of 10-15 reps and try to get a bit of a burn going on (like you do during 15s). That should help keep your intra-muscular glycogen levels higher, giving you that fuller feeling that you get during 15s and 10s.
;) yo Fausto's back :cool:

Right you are, and thnaks for the welcome. However I am again not at home and this time no access to a gym, have to resort to a body weight program, went through a bad patch that had me drop lifting altogether.

For the OP though...what Lol says is very importnat I never noticed that detail, we are suppposed to keep a certain amount of work load going, so 3 x 5 is mandatory if you want to create any impact that will later create growth, one set isnot going to cut it, he's right...you would better improve on that, even if you do more sets to get your 15 rep work in...make sense? Fatigue is a bit of a worm, and it gets into one's work but is also an ally and you can use it to your benefit, this is why I mentioned both Max stim and Myoreps, its a way of getting there!
