HST & Muscular Endurance


New Member
I've been doing HST for a while and I've enjoyed some pretty good progress but one thing I don't like is that my muscular endurance has really gone downhill. This is also due to the fact that before HST, I was doing Starting Strength for quite some time.

My question is where can I throw in some muscular endurance exercises, such as plenty of calisthenics, where it won't impede my HST progress. Right now I workout Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings.

As of right now, I'm thinking of doing the calisthenics saturday afternoon that way I still have 2 days to rest before my next workout. That or do them sunday so I can give myself at least 24 hours after my last workout and still have monday to completely rest.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Hmm, after thinking it over some more(yea, I'm a bit indecisive at times) I'm considering doing some moderate cardio on workout days, about 30 - 40 minutes on a recumbent bike, and doing some tabata training on offdays. I'll still leave one complete offday just to full recover.

With tabata I think I'll switch up the exercises I do every time so I don't end up fatiguing one muscle group too much. For example, one day I'll do it with pushups, another day I'll do it with bodyweight squats. Some days I'll probably just replace it with HIIT.

I'm doing this because I'm really tired of going up a few flights of stairs and going up a steep hill and being winded. This is the biggest and strongest I've ever been but it's sad that I tire out so easily. I had so much more endurance when I was doing HIIT a few years ago and I want to get back to that level. The moderate cardio is also just for health benefits. Right now I'm in a bulk so I'll increase my calories to compensate for whatever extra I'm burning.
(jdhst @ May 09 2009,12:36)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm doing this because I'm really tired of going up a few flights of stairs and going up a steep hill and being winded. This is the biggest and strongest I've ever been but it's sad that I tire out so easily.</div>
jd, unfortunately, i don't have much advice other than to say i'm in the same boat. i've been focusing primarily on the growth aspects of my training that endurance has fallen way behind. and in the summer months when my endurance picks up from outdoor activities, i have no growth. so it's a fine line i guess. the variable is probably nutrition, where if i were maintaining s strict diet, i could have my cake and eat it to (so to speak).

I will say that I don't think it matters where you incorporate endurance or HIIT-type activities. Most seem to prefer on off-days, but if you can maintain the energy, HIIT during workout days is a great warm-up. I have an easier time moving the weights if I'm truly stretched.