HST newbie


New Member
I'm so new to HST, it's a miracle i didn't mispell it :-)

Okay enuf of that.

here's the scoop. I am 28, about 5'9",180 lbs, i think about 23% BF. I used to work out 3-4 days a week with cardio a couple days a week. I love working out, it makes one feel awesome!!
I got layed off from my job, money wasn't a big issue however i lived approx 45 minutes away from the nearest gym/fitness center. i bought me a machine weight set...worked out about twice on it and quit. the leg press would only go up to about 400lbs(so it said) i think it was way less than that. The cables seemed to be sooo much different than free weights, i hated it.

Jump to now.

i haven't really worked out in 3-4 years. I love the sound of HST not only the awesome results, but you know exactly what you are gonna be lifting and how much way before you hit the weights.

i am still gonna be lifting at home, but i have a nice set of free weights and lots of room.

What advice do ya'll pro's have for a newcomer?

I have started finding my 15,10, and 5 rep maxes.
I will be doing the M/W/F routine
I am planning on 1x15, 2x10, and 3x5 for my cycle? That sound okay for a newcomer. i am only doing 8 exercies. thinking about adding shrugs and forearms though:-)
flat bench using dumbells
Seated shoulder press
bent over barbell rows
barbell curls
lying tricep extensions
standing calf raises
and 1 more.....and my list is at home on my bench(i am at work now)

oh, and abs

Would i benefit more doing this for the first cycle, or adding more exercies. I was planning on this for one cycle and changing it up for the next.
I also will be doing cardio 2 or 3 most likely 3 days a week. I am wanting to drop the bf quite a bit.
i have a fairly clean diet. it consists of grilled fish, protein powder shakes, tunafish , 100% whole wheat bread, chicken, eggs, chicken, lean red meat, chicken, oatmeal(only early in the day), shredded wheat cereal, skim milk, all kinds of beans( i love me some beans), spinach, broccolli, and some fruit here and there.
The only sups I might/will take are protein powder/shakes and maybe some creatine. I don't figure it would benefit much until i get my physique in a good working order....if you know what i mean. Oh and I do take Xenadrine some.....can't you tell by the way i am going on and on??? :-)

you guys and gals(possibly???) critique that and tell me what you think. Remember, I used to lift quite often, but nothing like HST, and not very much recently.

thanks for all the monstrous info on the board!! it is priceless!!!
I'm no expert, though your routine is similar to what I did, though I did squats, dips, chins, bench, rows, presses and curls. I gained 15 pounds in the first cycle. I threw in deadlifts the second cycle and gained another 12.
Just remember that since you are looking to get rid of excess bodyfat, you shouldn't expect to make any muscle gains. Some people try HST for the first time and make zero gains because of that very same reason.

At 23% bodyfat, you might be able to build some muscle while losing your fat, but your gains aren't going to be as dramatic as liegelords or other people who were bulking when on HST.

Your routine looks good. I would add in the shrugs as you said, because I like shrugs and I think most people neglect their traps. Your goal of getting rid of bodyfat is a good one too, and with HST plus cardio, and the diet you mentioned, you should be able to cut down quite well during the cycle. If you lose 1-2 pounds a week while doing HST and go for 8 weeks, you could potentially lose 8-16 pounds, hopefully all fat, so after that you would probably be looking pretty good, hopefully around 15% bodyfat at that point.
If I were you, I'd probably want to get down to 10-12% before you try bulking. Then do a nice and slow bulk to minimize your fat gain.

The big thing here though will be diet. Your routine is great, so it all comes down to what you eat. That will make or break your progress.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes too.
thanks to both of you for the response....it is greatly appreciated.
I have an accumeasure BF caliper that i just got, so i will get used to it and try and narrow doen my bf. i am going to buy a tape today and get some mesurements. i will post them both, the bf and other measurements.

I am going to add in shrugs and maybe dips. Come my second cycle, i will probably add in a few more exercises

I am so friggin excited about this.

Thanks again guys!!! Thanks so much!
Thanks again to both of you for your responses! They are GREATLy appreciated.
I have decided to do a am/pm workout 3 days a week. m/w/f. I will do the same 10 exercises am and pm.
O&G always suggests doing no more than 60 total sets a week. If I do 10 am and 10 pm times 3 days a week that is a total of 60 sets. However when I get to the 10's and 5's will one set of 10's or 5's in the am and 1 set of 10 in the pm be enuf? Prolly so since I am doing it am/pm of the same day. But I figure you guys would have more of an idea. Also, again, I am more worried about trimming some fat......but if any part of me other than my belly swells up, i won't be upset *wink*wink*.
This morning was my first set up 15's. Felt great. A lot different than what I am used to though. I am used to an being worn out when i quit. But not today. It took less than 30 minutes, so I did another 10 minutes of jump rope afterwards......my favorite kind of cardio :-)
I will be doing cardio on off days. Nothing super exhaustive though. Maybe 4.5 mph on the treadmill for 45 minutes or so, or go climb Pinnacle Mountain once in the morning. Round trip for me only takes about 28-30 minutes.
I will also be doing cardio on an empty stomach on off days.
Since my main concern right now is cutting the fat, I am trying to keep my calories around 1800 a day, sometimes a little less. That way I will create the deficit with exercise.
My diet will mainly consist of oatmeal, wheat bread, eggs and egg whites, chicken, lean steak, fish, spinach, any kind of bean i can get my hands on, some, but not much peanut butter, protein powder/shakes, some nuts, the occasional fruit, and some veggies.
If anyone has any suggestion, or thinks I am doing something wrong, feel free to point it out....after all, i am very very new to this!
here are my exercies
leg curl
leg extension(i started to leave this out, but this is one of my favorite exercises)
flat bench
shoulder press
standing calf raises
standing barbell curls
bentover bb rows
Thanks again you guys for your responses, and thanks to everyone else on this board....the help and knowledge is wonderful and greatly appreciated by me!!!

Okay, I am one workout shy of completing my 2 weeks of fifteens. i was gonna wait till Saturday to update, but I am so friggin hyped i can't.

I have noticed the last few days that my skin on my legs always seems tight now....even on non workout days. So I knew something was different. I haven't been measuring during the cycle, cause i was afraid that might mess me up mentally......however, this morning i had to measure my legs. When I started HST, like i said, less than two weeks ago, i measured 10" up from the center of my knee cap and then i measured around my leg(not sure if this is right or not, but that way i measure in the same place everytime). It was 21 3/4 inch around, not flexed. This morning....unfortunately i had already walked a lil on the dreadmill, oops i mean treadmill, so the measurement may been a lil off. But i again measured 10 inches up from the center of my kneecap, and by golly my leg was 23" around. I was like, holy crap, that is an inch and a quarter. My legs are also a lot more dfined now. So then i measured my arms, and they were up a 1/4 inch.
That is all i measured this morning though.
And i still have tomorrow for my heaviest set up 15's.

Also, until a day or so ago, I hadn't been eating enuf calories, but thanks to Colby2152 and his supplied equation, I know now about how meany i should eat, so just think if I had been eating enuf all along.

i do the same routine M/W/F once in the morning, and once at night. Sometimes I do 2 sets of squats though. I have really noticed a major strength gain in my legs......or it's something mental, cause last night i did two sets of squats, only 30 seconds or so rest in between, and I was only 10 lbs shy of my 15 rep max. I haven't really noticed any strength gains anywhere else though.

Here are the exercises i have been doing. unfortunately i don't have access to a lat pull down machine or any cables, however, i jus bought me a pull up/dip station. I am planning on adding in dips next week with my start of tens. And then maybe pullups when i start the fives


standing calf raises
bent over barbell rows
shrugs- I alternate between barbells/morning & dumbells/evening
leg extensions
leg curls
standing barbell curls
shoulder press using dumbells
slight incline bench press using dumbells

I also seemed to have lost a few lbs, but can't really tell bf wise, because i don't trust my scales or my ability to use those goofy accumeasure calipers.

anyway, that's my update

once again, I want to thank all of you guys for the great info, support, fact, figures, and patience to help up n00bs get a little bigger and a lot more hyped! :D

Thanks again,
Holy Moly Box. Nice work!
Excellent work, b0xm0ns73r! :D

Keep it up, and remember, if you're feeling down anytime, just give us a shout out here. All of us will be here to spur you on.

But given your great results already, I don't think you getting discouraged would be a problem. Just keep at it! :)

I'd try and keep your exercise count pretty low, especially if you're doing the 15s/10s/5s-1/2/3 set thing.
The 5s workouts get pretty dang long with 3 sets, and I also imagine you'd want to throw a warmup set in there as well.
My workout now in the post 5s lasts near 2 hours  
 simply because I went nuts with exercise selection before the cycle. Live and learn.