HST Now??


New Member
I am new to HST I just came across it a month ago and it seems to make sense and seems like a great training method. I wanted to start training using HST but because of money I can't really afford to eat enough calories to bulk/ build muscle.
sooooo do you guys still think I should try it out? It just seems that to me this is mostly for bulking (ie Hypertrophy) so I am not sure.
Any suggestions are appreciated.

Not trying to get into your personal situation, but you really can pack in a bunch of calories with non-trash food without nailing your wallet. I think that regardless of whether you are using HST or any other workout, if you aren't getting in calories you won't bulk. Give HST a try just for the exercise, and hopefully you can get some ideas from others as to some cheaper alternatives to high-calorie foods.
You can eat a cheap food that have a good values (its not contradictory). Food like oats, rice and bread is very cheap if you buy it in the right places. And if you combin them with protein and vegetables, you have all you need.
olive oil
blade steaks (beef & pork)
cottage cheese
sweet potatoes

icecream (generic brand vanilla by the bucket)
Welcome Hooked

I rest my case.
The guys have shown you what's what, you were probably thinking of Protein powders and all teh other "crap" often advertised in books/muscle mags that say you cannot build muscle without it.

We say B.S.! Try it and see!
Protein Powders supply the most grams protein per buck spent.

Tuna, which is the cheapest food product that has a lot of protein, has shot up in price in the states as of recent. It's about .79/can which comes out to 46.84 g/dollar. Standard 5lb tub of protein powder can be bought for 30 bucks (including s&h) and it usually has 110 or so servings of 20g of protein. That comes out to 73.33 g/dollar.

This time last year, standard can of tuna was about .59/can. This gave you 62.71 g/dollar. The can would have to be 50 cents to beat that price.

It's too bad we can't go to the grocery store and set forward prices for us (the consumer) to pay months in advance. Better yet, with the rising tuna prices, you could buy a call option on them and make money on the price hike.

Oh wait, looks like I got on a finance rant! Hopefully, my point was well taken!
thanks guys,

well with out burdening you guys with details basically I got in a really bad accident about 5 yours ago and we are still recovering from the medical debt. Soooo I spend very little on supps. i buy just the basics, portein powder, malto, dex, multis, EFA's and that about it and right now I have even cut out multis and EFA becasue I am short on cash. I actually eat tons of oats, and my wife makes our whole wheat bread to help on money and to make it healthier.
but i was basically wondering from some of you that have more experiance with HST is if I am not bulking is it some thing I should use? Or should I just stick with my basic maintence workout that I am doing righ tnow. i mean i know that it wont hurt to follow the HST it probally will keep me in the maintence that I am in right now.
I just finished a bulk like 8 weeks ago and I got to 200 lbs (6 ft tall) and I am now about 192 and I would like to gain a lb or two over the next few months. I know that is kind of a contridiction with the basic cals that i will be consuming. i guess I was just seeing what you guys thought.
What's you body fat % like?

looks to me like you doing fine, just try HST and you can judge afterwards.

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Oh wait, looks like I got on a finance rant! Hopefully, my point was well taken!</div>

Colby - point taken! You definitely made your point, not as cheap in South Africa though, thus my slight aversion!
Well, in my opinion, you should pretty much always follow the HST principles at the very least, regardless of whether you are bulking, cutting or maintaining.
As a lot of us here are training geeks (
) why not post your current routine so we can check it out? There's nearly always some help we can offer regardless of what training methodology you want to follow. As Tot said, HST principles are evident in all the best training plans. It makes sense to use them.
To paraphrase Tom Venuto, even when you're cutting you should be doing a bulking workout. The logic goes something like this: More muscle mass means you burn more calories all the time. HST is the fastest way to grow muscle. Therefore HST will help you burn calories faster.

I've done 2 HST cycles so far, both at a moderate cut, and I've maintained by body weight while dropping a few % BF. I couldn't be happier.
(cyprusxr3 @ Jul. 02 2007,19:41)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">To paraphrase Tom Venuto, even when you're cutting you should be doing a bulking workout. The logic goes something like this: More muscle mass means you burn more calories all the time. HST is the fastest way to grow muscle. Therefore HST will help you burn calories faster.

I've done 2 HST cycles so far, both at a moderate cut, and I've maintained by body weight while dropping a few % BF. I couldn't be happier.</div>
Actually, the reasoning is that whilst on a cut you should do all in your power to limit LBM wasting, the caloric expenditure of muscle tissue is significantly overrated.
thanks for all of your posts everyone, I am going to run a cycle of HST I am just putting it together and my maxs for 15, 10 and 5 reps