
New Member
As some of you may know I am on HRT for the last 5 or 6 months. I have been really happy with the results and with the exception of acne (which my doc has me on antibiotics for) ther have been no real negative sides.

At this point I know it is just a matter of time until I increase my weekly dosage to 350mg of test cyp for 10-12 weeks and do a one time major bulk.

So how would I tweak HST during that cycle to take full advantage? Do I increase volume and even hit failure? Ideas. The goal here would be to gain as much lean mass with very little fat.
Using 350 of test/week is simply going to give you a "high normal" test level.

Getting a real supraphysical level would probably take closer to 500mg test with 400mg deca together.

If you chose to use your 350mg/week then simply continue to train as normal and get even more results.  Considering that your going to recover better you may even be able to do a little more volume as your body tolerates it - throw in an extra set of each exercise in each training block and see how you respond.  Don't expect 350/week of test to turn you into an IFBB Pro though, it's not that much.

EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention. You may be able to utilize a few more calories too. Perhaps as much as 20/lb instead of 16-18 or whatever you use now.

The first week, add 2calories/lb to your diet. If you are gaining nicely keep it there. If not, do this each week until you get to where you are without getting fat.
150mg of cyp per week puts me into the high normal range right around 750, and that was before starting the weekly hcg which bumps it up a bit higher. 350 is more then double that.
I'm waiting to hear from my HRT blood test today. How is it that your doc will allow you to acheive above norm levels?
(quadancer @ Oct. 20 2006,10:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I'm waiting to hear from my HRT blood test today. How is it that your doc will allow you to acheive above norm levels?</div>
i think hes adding to his hrt dose for a while(cycle).
The problem is, he's only supposed to inject 1 ml, but his eyesight is going so he accidentally did 2 ml every week for about 12 weeks.

I would increase volume maybe a little, but not much. I would try to keep it looking like an HST cycle would when I'm not on AAS. Stretch the 5s out as long as possible by only incrementing once a week, then staying at your 5 RM for a while. No PCT for you, since you'll just go back to your normal dosage, so you don't have to worry about losing your gains after the cycle while you wait for your test levels to go back up, since they'll already be back to where they should be.
(Spyke @ Oct. 19 2006,13:54)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">So how would I tweak HST during that cycle to take full advantage? Do I increase volume and even hit failure? Ideas. The goal here would be to gain as much lean mass with very little fat.</div>
The main reason I do HST and max stim is because my body can't handle more intense programs and I get burned out. One thing that AAS is supposed to do is dramatically increase your recuperative abilities. If I was on AAS I'd experiment with other programs such as DC and definitely go to failure almost all the time for a major bulk. If you can't handle it, then you will know it because you'll feel burned out soon. You can always go back to HST if that happens.

Whatever you do, push the hell out of yourself (without killing yourself) so you'll at least discover what your limits are on AAS. Hopefully you have already discovered your limitations as a natural.
I agree with the guys. Pump up the volume! If I was doing an AAS cycle, I wouldn't change much, (max-stim is pretty hard-core already). I would add some volume though, especially for large muscle groups, like thighs, back, pecs, and delts. Right now I aim for 20 reps per exercise, on AAS I would easily aim for 30 or more and may add some extra exercise movements to make sure I hit all the muscles hard.

I don't see any need to go to failure though, research has not shown any hypertrophy advantage to failure training even when on AAS. More load and More reps is all that is needed. And stretch out the 10s and 5s a little longer than usual as Tot said.
My little past experiment with Prohormones showed me that there's no way you will lift normally when you feel JACKED and STRONG! You won't be able to resist! Be sure your PCT's are in order, of course.
The beauty for me here is that I wont need any PCT. I know alot of guys loose gains when they stop the cycle because their normal test has to kick back in and that can take a while. I will probably just slowly taper off after 12 weeks until I an back to my normal dose.

I am not looking to make a habit of this. This will probably be a one shot deal. I have enough test, anti estrogens, and hcg to do this cycle in my closet right now. The temptation is too much

So it sounds like you guys are saying

1. stretch out the cycle but keep it HST for the most part.
2. maybe add a set to each lift and add in a few more compounds

I also think maybe the last couple weeks I may just go insane and lift like crazy, go to failure alot, try all kinds of new maxes etc. Then do a nice SD

I am gonna do this in Jan or Feb after I get complete bloodwork done. I will post before and after pics when the time comes.