HST or another program?


New Member
I did two cycles of HST, then took 3mths off. Then did one more cycle, and I am currently on my fourth. I saw results in all cycles, mostly my current one and last one...been eating better overall. Just doesn't seem like anything is popping out at all. I am gaining little weight here and here. I am pretty sure i am doing everything correctly and eating well...everything a weightlifter needs to do. Just wondering if HST might not be right for me to build muscle. Any suggestions?

Mon Wed Fri
Inc bench
weighted pullups
bentover rows
standing mp
weighted dips
If you aren't gaining enough then you aren't eating enough.

1. If you are working out, but not gaining weight, then you aren't eating enough.

2. If you are working out, gaining weight consistently but are only gaining fat and not gaining any strength in any of your lifts, then something is wrong with your training.

Address issue 1 before addressing issue 2. If you aren't going to eat enough then there really isn't even much point in lifting weights.
what kind of results (strength and physique) have you seen? cumulative from the beginning.

don't mean to be an ass (or a hypocrite), but taking 3mos off after having lifted for 3 mos doesn't make it sound like you're serious about getting results.
Yes i understand all that. I know if i was really serious i wouldn't of taken three months off. but i was doing an internship and before or after work i had no energy at all to move. I can't explain i sleep alot. I am also eating a lot, 3500-4000 calories a day. How does my overall program work if i stick with it next cycle what should i change, can people give me exercises that i can rotate in out from cycle to cycle? even after the rest of 3mnths i am still not seeing the results i should be on my second cycle. I've looked at before and after results of people on there overall first and second cycle, nothing compared to me. I am moving up in weight for all exercises, increasing my body weight. Yes i am getting somewhat bigger, but it doesn't look like lean muscle, kind of hard to explain...like cut but not going for that image until i get muscle on. On the other hand it's not all fat gain. I've worked out for almost 5 years now. and since my first day til today, yes i built my strength and muscle up...but seems like it should be a whole lot more compared to other people. granted they could be taking a lot more supplements than me and have greater athletic built.
If you have been working out for 5 years and are doing all these exercises 3 x weekly, ie.:

<div></div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Mon Wed Fri
Inc bench
weighted pullups
bentover rows
standing mp
weighted dips</div>
then I think you should try an abbreviated routine (ie. fewer exercises each session). Split your list up into A and B routines like this:

Inc bench
weighted pullups
standing mp

weighted dips
bentover rows

and then alternate between the two. ABA one week, BAB the next etc. (I have just used your list rather than suggest any alternative exercises).

As far as volume goes, with only four exercises you should aim for 2 x 15, 3 x 10 and 4 x 5. You could do something like this:

Week 1: 15,15 (at beginning of week 1)
Week 2: 15,10 (by end of week 2)
Week 3: 10,10,10 (beginning)
Week 4: 10,8,6 (end)
Week 5: 5,5,5,5 (beginning)
Week 6: 5,4,3,3,3 (end)
   :        Drop down to sets of 3 if you like and do 6 or 7 sets
Week ?: Perhaps try for some new RMs or PBs

The reps will have to vary each mesocycle to keep you away from MM failure more often. At the least, try to get a good 15-20 reps in for each exercise per session. You don't have to drop down to 3s but it can help with fatigue management and allow you to work at your 5RM loads (or above) for longer.

After 5 years of training, I am actually a bit surprised you are still able to get through a heavy workout with all the exercises you listed. What kind of loads are you using now compared to your body weight? If your training has been fairly effective to date I would have thought that your max lifts would be at least 2 x bw for deads and around 1.5–2 x bw for squats (perhaps better than this).

Do have a read of the thread link in my footer. It might give you some more grist for the mill.

All the best.
The only problem that could be related to HST since everyone else covered the best responses.

Is sometimes you can start with too light of a weight with HST.

Maybe you did or didn't?
No cookie for you Joe, Lol covered that! (sorta)
He has some amazing clarity, doesn't he?
if you've been training for 5 years &amp; have gained on all 4 of your cycles of HST, I'm not sure what you're complaining about
could just simply be avg. (or below avg.) partitioning ratio.
everyone can gain wgt, its just a matter of getting enough cals like totz mentioned but not everyone gains muscle at the same rate.
when folks dream of adding 20lbs to their frame most picture about 15-18 of it being muscle and the rest well placed (hidden) fat. in reality a 50/50 split is a pretty good p-ratio which means a lot of folks fall below that, even under the best of circumstances.

not trying to be discouraging and not even saying this applies 100% to you but.......
if you feel your working out hard and smart (intelligent prog. progressive load etc) eating enough and well enough (protein etc) for long enough (couple of cycles)  then chances are you have a rough idea of how your going to gain. this isnt to say you cant and shouldnt improve upon it (to a degree)..........just dont expect a new program or diet to completely re-work your potential and transform your physique completely (in the short term at least).

good luck
I've said it before and will again: I was amazed at a post by a natty BB'er who was pretty well satisfied with 5 lbs. lean mass gain in a year. Then others chimed in and gave congrats over it...back then I'd though we were ALL supposed to &quot;GAIN 30 LBS. OF ROCK HARD MASS IN JUST...&quot;
Yeah, those BB rags will poison your mind.