HST: Overweight => Bodybuilder Bod?

I've just finished watching a fascinating lecture by Gary Taubes, giving his hypothesis on what causes fat gain and fat lose. Taubes is the author of a book called 'Good Calories, Bad Calories". I highly recommend you watch it and then do some research into low carbohydrate diets, (Adkins, paleo, the Zone). Watching this lecture really changed the way I think about fat gain and lose. Here's the link to the lecture. http://webcast.berkeley.edu/event_details.php?webcastid=21216 It's almost 2 hours long and well worth it.
One more thing , Buckeye. Personally I would forget about the boring drawn out cardio workouts and do 2-3 Crossfit type 'met cons' per week. That's just my 2cents, for what it's worth.
(EL_VIEJO @ Aug. 08 2008,7:45)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">Buckeye,
I've just finished watching a fascinating lecture by Gary Taubes, giving his hypothesis on what causes fat gain and fat lose. Taubes is the author of a book called 'Good Calories, Bad Calories&quot;. I highly recommend you watch it and then do some research into low carbohydrate diets, (Adkins, paleo, the Zone).  Watching this lecture really changed the way I think about fat gain and lose.  Here's the link to the lecture. http://webcast.berkeley.edu/event_details.php?webcastid=21216 It's almost 2 hours long and well worth it.</div>

taubes and many of his theories/views etc were debated on this forum just this past spring in the diet section.

in case you missed it most of it is in this thread, although its peppered thru-out many diet posts of that period.

of course you couldnt really call it a debate since it had little to do with &quot;telling people what you think&quot; and more to do with &quot;telling people what they should think&quot;.

anyway, decide for yourself.

good luck
(bluejacket @ Aug. 09 2008,1:28)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">fwiw.

taubes and many of his theories/views etc were debated on this forum just this past spring in the diet section.

in case you missed it most of it is in this thread, although its peppered thru-out many diet posts of that period.

of course you couldnt really call it a debate since it had little to do with &quot;telling people what you think&quot; and more to do with &quot;telling people what they should think&quot;.

anyway, decide for yourself.

good luck</div>
Thanks for the link. I remember that thread now that you mention it. At the time the name Taubes didn't mean anything to me and the thread itself got a bit too tedious for me.
If anyone has any interest in this subject, I still recommend watching the Taubes lecture and hear his theory straight from the horse's mouth. He's not a wild-eyed fanatic pounding his fist and demanding that you accept his theory. He's a very reasonable rational guy who clearly states that he's presenting a hypothesis and lays out the observations he's made that caused him to come to these conclusions. He also states that he really would like to see someone come up with the funding to do a controlled scientific study to either prove or disprove his theory. Anyway, it's quit different hearing it directly from him than from another person.

Apologies to Buckeye for hijacking his thread.
BuckeyeJoe, Welcome!

My advice would be do get your dieting dialled in so, as bgates1654 said, have a good read over at Lyle's bodyrecomposition.com.

Basically, to retain as much lean mass as possible while you are stripping off fat you need to be lifting heavy loads in the region of your 10RM to 5RM for most of the time. No need to bother with 15s. Don't overdo the cardio either. Low intensity cardio, like walking, is a great way to burn a few cals but you need to get your dieting plan sorted first.

If you can work out a rough figure for your lean mass and then eat about a gram of protein for every pound of lean body weight as a minimum you should be getting enough. Enjoy plenty of good fats and oils and keep high GI carbs down if you can. Fruit, salad and veg should give you plenty of good micros (vits and minerals). Eggs are a great source of pretty much everything.

Why not start a log and let us know how you get on?
To add my 2 cents, I have used Keto very successfully twice to cut down body fat and retain lean muscle.  IMO, Keto is one of the most efficient ways to  drop fat and maintain lean muscle mass.

Read this article first: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=36497

Then venture into the general Keto forums, read everything you can before deciding if you want to pursue that diet.
Hello Buckeye,
Yes absoutely, HST will let you achieve your fitness goals. I found HST about 2 years ago at 6'3&quot; and 300lbs and 35% BF. This morning I weighed in at 241 at around 16% BF. Thats losing 60lbs of fat and gaining about 7-8 of muscle. So now over 10 years I'm down a total of 110 lbs and +10lbs muslce. HST and high protien diet has made it much easier process and allowed me to finish what I started 10 years ago.
I will say this up front I can give you all the advise in the world but until a person deals with whatever issue caused or is causing the self destructive behavior of over eating they will not be sucessful.
If you look at people who have a serious weight problem they have emotional or relationship issues they are NOT confronting. Remember the old saying it's not what your eating it's what's eating you. I know, I've been through alot and even with seeing a counselour it's still very difficult at times. Most people don't relize excessive wieght gain is a SYMPTOM and not the cause of the their unhappiness.
So with that being said, yes Diet is key, you have to get it nailed but it's a symbiotic process. Working out will make you feel better help you release stress and will help you stick to your diet. Plus you will learn your body while you are working out. It took me to my third cycle before I felt like it was really dialed in, the symplfiy and win helped me keep it simple and stay focused.
Track your intake on a free website like ww.fitday.com It's free, it's easy, do it. It's very benefical to track calories for at least 2 weeks to see where you calories are coming from and make adjustments.
Yes low carb/high protien works for many on here but remember it may not be for you. Read Lyle McDonalds site, he is really good. Read the article on &quot; is a calorie a calorie?&quot; his contention is yes but most people could not say on a 2200 calorie diet of twinkies because the insulin spikes and crashes would trigger cravings.
he also has a article on insuln sensitivity relating to whether you can lose wieght on low carb or high carb. If you are highly sensitive to carbs (like me) then high protein diet is best. Everyone is different and just cause it worked for me doesn't mean it works for every body. regardless of your carb ratio you will need to increase protein intake to prevent muslce breakdown during diet (which you metoined)
don't get wrapped up in your buffness to soon, you will lose size, remember its mostly fat your losing. HST is great at building muscle but in a calorie deficet it will prevent the loss of exisiting muscle.
If you go low carb, carb timing helps. Get most your carbs when your body will use them in the morning (you've been fasting all night) and during/after workout.
It basic beradi principles another good site http://www.johnberardi.com/

Cardio is sensitive topic. HIIT seems to be the best form but hard to do high intesity if your low carbing. I enjoy cycling and have a road bike. I love to ride, I ride alot, I ride fast it burns tons of calories. I get in 100-150miles/week. I try to ride on non lifting days but sometimes I doubles up. My advise is add cardio on non lifting days. The higher the intesity they better it is at buring calories and building muscle (Sprinter body versus marathon body). But most importantly add some thing you enjoy doing, your much more likely to stick to it if you like it.
With all that said no doubt you can make your body look however you want, you ar your only limting factor. I had a consultation with a plastic surgeon on thursday to see about a Adomiplasty (tummy tuck) procedure. I want to be 12-15% BF but right now it's imposible to measure do to all the lose skin so be prepared for that when you finished. If you have any other questions don't hesitate to ask me or any of the other members, there some smart motivated guys on this board to which I give my heartfelt thanks for their help, I could not have accomplished my goals with out the great contributions and info links on this site.
