HST Personal Trainers


New Member
Is there a source for personal trainer designed routines online or via email. I am a busy physician and need input and assistance. I will learn the concepts quickly, but due to time constraints and the need to start, I would like to have a program desinged for me with changes periodically.
I would suggest going MWF with alternating A & B workouts:

A: squats (full olympic), bench press, bent rows, standing OH press
B: deadlifts, dips, chins, standing OH press

I would stay with this and not do any isolations until I put on considerable mass and lifting pretty heavy. For example, 400 pound squats & deadlifts, 300 pound bench.

Any one of us can do that, in the meantime, Liege has given you the basic, most efficient mass builder of all time, stick to that and the basic HST concepts (sorry, those you will have to read yourself
) and you have a winning combination!
That makes more sense. I was anticipating 90 minute wo routines, and certainly I would have never come up with that idea. I have lifted for sometime and would like to cut before i pres for more mass because I am tired of being a tub o lard. Which direction would you go in that event?

I genuinely thank you for your insight gentlemen.
That routine can be used to cut also, you could stay at the higher rep ranges longer and extend the fives. You could also do an extra set or 2.

On the off days you could do cardio. I have been doing tabata sprints and front squats after my olympic lifting. There are a few people here who have had great success cutting with tabata.

Basically, it depends and maybe you could give us a little mor einfo so that we can get more specific in our help!

You could drop your nutritional intake by 500 or 1000 cal daily whilst still eating "clean", that will help you drop some of the intial "lard".

Tabata - different from the traditional High Intensity Interval Training, instead of going into lengthy explanations I am rather going to post it for everyone to read.

However it can be used with a variety of themes whether it be running, stationary cycling, punching bag, scissors, rop jumping, hell...use you imagination...if it gets your pulse rate up then it is suitable...the main thing is to keep it in bouts of 20 seconds followed by 10 second rest periods, thsi for 4 minutes which amounts to 4 minutes.