HST problem...


New Member
Hi there guys. This is my very first thread. I am new to HST.. this is only my second cycle (gave it a try about 4 months ago).

Im giving it another try but have seemed to hit the same problem I had last time.

I always find my 12,8,5 RM ahead of time for every exercise, then I subtract 5-10lbs for each workout day. So lets say today was my first day doing 12s and I know that my 12rm on bench press is 200lbs, I start with 2 sets of 150....the first set is mega easy but then I cant complete the second set and have to stop at around 8 reps to avoid failure. I have no idea why...i mean the first set always feels really easy and light.

It is as if my muscles get too pumped and they fail. This happens on my bench press, military press, and close grip bench press, bent over rows. Does not happen on Squats, SLDL, or curls.

I always rest from 1.5-2 minutes between sets. Does this happen to anyone else?
Try using what your rep max is for two sets. I'm not sure why you're fatiguing so fast, but perhaps 175 would be a better RM? So, the workouts will look like: 125 135 145 155 165 175. Based on experience: by the end of two weeks the 175 will be easy! Don't worry about the weights being light. After a few HST cycles, the numbers will look a lot better.

Hope that helps,
How is your preworkout nutrition? You shouldn't be burning out on your second set when you are only using 75% of your rep max. Have you tried doing your other lifts and then coming back to the first lift for your second set? If so, did the same problem occur?
thanks for the reply...maybe ill drop the weight Clayton. Well my preworkout nutrition is the same as it always has been, chicken with brown rice and veggies about an 1.5 hours before training. Have not given what you said a try Totentanz. You do mean separate the sets right? like one set of bench press then one set of bent over row, then i got back to he bench press?? I do have to point out that this happens very noticeably with chest,tri,shoulder movements.

A mate of mine says that it might be that I have always trained 5x5 style so my muscles are not used to the hight reps like 12s or 15s. I do always train 5x5 style. Do you think this could be it?
it probably is the high reps you're not used to. i have a similar problem with the 15s. i used to do pyramids - warmups of 12 & 10 then working sets of 8, 6 and failure all the time, so i'm not used to high reps. not sure about 12s. maybe try a bit more rest between sets until you're used to it. why arent you doing 15s?
That's a decent meal but I think that taking something immediately prior to the workout with some protein and carbs would be beneficial. Aside from that, it is possible that you aren't accustomed to higher reps yet.
the reason i wasnt doing 15s was because i had the same problem with them last time and i figured 12s would be easier but its not. I tried mixing up the sets like you guys said...did one set of bench press (perfect 12s) went on the barbell rows the came back to bench press second set and still only got 8 out :S. next week will do my 8s and i hope those workout better.