HST progresssion


New Member
Of the many who have kept with HST for 18 months+, what are the most important program design manipulations that were necessary tailoring for progression?
Not a design manipulation but the hardest for me to accept was limiting myself to a small number of compound movements with low volume but high frequency. It took me back 45 years when we all did 3 sets of 10 reps 3 times per week. Then, we all got so much smarter that we would train 1 bodypart per day with 20 sets. It seemed to work for the pro's because steroids became available but it was death to the natural lifter. It was hard to unlearn 40 years of Weider-type hype. So, in effect, thanks to people like Bryan Haycock, this old dog was able to relearn some old tricks and make a lot of progress.