HST question 1st time user.


New Member
Hi Guys,

i read HST on bb.com and i was interested to try it out, it took me awhile to quite get how it work and how it can actually build muscle but with research and time i managed to get the idea =). my question is that can i use only 1 workout the whole time? or do i need to make 2 workouts like say A and B instead of just having A. can it still work? heres how my workout looks atm.

Incline BB Press
Flat Flys
Stiff Legged deadlifts
bent over rows
seated DB press
BB curls
Standing BB calf raises

im planning to do this 3 times a week like the HST layout says and ive already calculated all my maxes? Sorry for being a pain, hope you guys can help i really wanna start on this routine =)
I'm on my fifth HST cycle since going back to the gym in May, and have only just split my routine. Up to now I've been doing a very similar routine as you're proposing with great results. I might suggest reconsidering SLDL after squats, however. In my case, it would be very hard on my lower back. (Not to mention doing bent over rows after that!). If you find this is the case, you could rotate those in your routine rather than trying to do them all every workout. Sort of like having A and B workouts but changing only one or two exercises.
I'm on my fifth HST cycle since going back to the gym in May, and have only just split my routine. Up to now I've been doing a very similar routine as you're proposing with great results. I might suggest reconsidering SLDL after squats, however. In my case, it would be very hard on my lower back. (Not to mention doing bent over rows after that!). If you find this is the case, you could rotate those in your routine rather than trying to do them all every workout. Sort of like having A and B workouts but changing only one or two exercises.

thanks so much for your help, im still young im 19 years old.. and i say i still have a solid back support saying that ill trial this routine out for a week and if it really hard on my back i would consider just changing bent over rows, squats and SLDL and split it into a A and B workout?