HST question


New Member
Just wanted to know:

1) if the volume(sets) of smaller muscles like tri's and bi's should be the same as larger groups such as chest and legs?
example: 2 sets of bench press, and 2 sets of skull crushers, or 2 sets of bench press, and 1 set of skull crushers

2) lets say for chest i have bb bench, and for back i have bb row and lat pull downs. when the HST guidelines advises 2 sets, would that mean: 2 sets of bench, with 2 sets of rows, and pull downs each
or: 2 sets of bech, with 1 set of rows, and pull downs each?
A lot depends on what you where doing previously.

For example, if you were doing 4 sets bi work 2X week (8 sets) then just divide this up by how many workouts you are doing now.

If you haven't been working out at all and are totally new to training, then Yes, since some of the smaller groups (delt, tri, bi) are recruited during your larger lifts you can cut the direct work on smaller muscles down.
Hey Blaks85 :)

[b said:
Quote[/b] ]2) lets say for chest i have bb bench, and for back i have bb row and lat pull downs.  when the HST guidelines advises 2 sets, would that mean: 2 sets of bench, with 2 sets of rows, and pull downs each
                         or: 2 sets of bech, with 1 set of rows, and pull downs each?

Well, 2 sets literally mean a total of 2 sets. However, for the larger muscle groups, just don't forget that the advice is also to do two exercises (not just two sets), so you get a total of 4 for each large muscle group (2 sets per exercise x 2 exercises).

Following that, your routine would look more like this:
Chest: 2 sets bench, 2 sets flys
Back : 2 sets rows, 2 sets pulldowns

(this is just assuming the exercises you chose were those I specified in that example)

Hope that helps. Good luck!  :)