HST question


New Member
If someone has been lifting for 20 or so years with the typical “every set to failure” protocol how many HST cycles does it take to make noticeable improvement?
I noticed decent strength gains after the first cycle. Mass gains were better in the second but I had changed the diet.

Currently in the 15's of my third cycle... we'll see.
That depends on if you know how to eat enough. HST is great, but it can't overcome someone not knowing what they have to do to gain or lose weight.
(Totentanz @ Sep. 23 2006,19:12)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">That depends on if you know how to eat enough.  HST is great, but it can't overcome someone not knowing what they have to do to gain or lose weight.</div>
i agree with this 100%

keep in mind the first cycle or 2 is always filled with some &quot;mistakes&quot; or &quot;misjudgements&quot; but gains can still be made they are just usually not optimized until cycle 3-4 and beyond. no way to avoid it as it varies per indiv.

good luck